This week will be a bit of a suprise for everyone - the shotgun. No, not the auto shotgun from the previous Goldeneye Source alphas, but rather the other shotgun from the power weapons set and the Statue singleplayer level. Who can forget the imposing sound of the shotgun being fired? The model is quite canon to it's GE64 counterpart, but it definitely looks more advanced and sleeker then its N64 predecessor with the wooden shades and less bright colors, which is obviously for the better. Soon, it's going to be a matter of which shotgun you prefer over the other!

More master work provided by KonradBeerbaum. The push on the development side is to really wrap up all the artwork and modelling of the Goldeneye 64 weapons, and as you can see it's been going rather smoothly in this area.
With all the media content piling up you can bet on something that has been long awaited in the near future
