Today was a very long and hard day. For starters i had a cat nap the day before and ended up getting a total of 2 hours sleep which was a nice start to the day (not). Any way we rocked up at gdc at 8 on the dot to get our media passes for gdc. The passes had a nice media tag stashed on the bottom and allowed us to get into all kinds of areas of gdc. Plus we get our own little room with refreshments, internet and printer access.
The first conference i went to was a full day tutorial on 3d math programming. This highlighted the point that if you want to do games development as a software engineer you need to do the hard maths other wise your going to find it very hard. It covered the basics of 3d maths with vectors, matrices and transformations which i found to not be so fun. How ever later in the day the more interesting lectures started with one on floating point numbers (reals) and the troubles they caused with 3d maths. Most programmers will know that floats get less precise as they get larger in size due to the way the computer stores them. It causes issues of raytracing and bsp trees not working when they should and other issues.
Another cool thing was splines and how all they different types are in reality all the same. This talk made things in the source engine make alot of sense (and early cad programs as well).
After gdc was done for the day we caught up with john from wolffire at the w bar. After a couple of rounds of drinks and rowdy chatter, we headed out to an all American dinner for dinner.
So now im full, and partly drunk and ready for another day. Sorry about the lack of images, but they all sucked today.
Edit: Due to Majors bitching here are the images: