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Author Topic: [Gameplay] One Bullet is Enough X  (Read 18759 times)

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[Gameplay] One Bullet is Enough X
« on: July 01, 2018, 09:20:39 am »

Each player spawns with a golden gun holding a single bullet, and a knife.  Killing another player awards an extra bullet, regardless of the source.

Each player is given only two lives, so be sure to make your shots count!  Each player must also score a kill at least every 45 seconds, or risk having their location marked for other players.


Original OBIE by Troy, which is the inspiration for this mode, can be found here.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2018, 09:20:28 pm by Entropy-Soldier »
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Re: [Gameplay] One Bullet is Enough X
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2018, 11:49:07 pm »

This is a really fun mode.


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Re: [Gameplay] One Bullet is Enough X
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2018, 06:13:27 am »

Okay, thanks for reworking my original port.
Complete - Arsenal, One Bullet is Enough, Tournament DM v2, TurboDM
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Re: [Gameplay] One Bullet is Enough X
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2018, 10:07:01 am »

Thanks for making it!  People really enjoyed it, it was just a bit outdated.
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Re: [Gameplay] One Bullet is Enough X
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2018, 10:34:35 am »

Very good. It's a very fun way. I've added it to my server along with another Dr. No Health mode. Thank you very much, my friend!


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Re: [Gameplay] One Bullet is Enough X
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2018, 08:47:41 pm »

Entropy-Soldier, would it be possible to add a time of 15 seconds at the beginning of the round, as in the arsenal and uplink? The idea is that other players who come later can play without having to wait.


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Re: [Gameplay] One Bullet is Enough X
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2018, 02:57:16 am »

Shoot, totally missed this.  Yeah, adding warmup should be doable, and would make sense for the reason you mentioned.

I'll add it to the next version of the mode, along with maybe some way to control the stealth time limit.
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Re: [Gameplay] One Bullet is Enough X
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2018, 05:51:01 pm »

Many people play this mode on my server. Thank you!


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Re: [Gameplay] One Bullet is Enough X
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2018, 09:39:48 pm »

I appreciate you editing the thread and giving me my proper credit.  I hope that if this is done again, you decide to do it from the get go.
Complete - Arsenal, One Bullet is Enough, Tournament DM v2, TurboDM
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Re: [Gameplay] One Bullet is Enough X
« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2018, 10:42:40 pm »

I hope next time you accuse me of stealing your mode you don't wait a month after reading and responding to the thread to do it!

I regret not making a note of who made the first port of this idea to GE:S sooner.  I thought the name was enough but there's no reason to not be explicit about the inspiration.  That being said, to pretend I tried to steal credit for this idea is a pretty big insult from someone I've been so kind to over the years.  I'd hope that even if I was trying to steal the mode I'd at least have the sense to name it in such a way that people wouldn't go "X?  Why is the X there?  Is there another version?".

 - The idea is from COD, it's not yours.
 - You didn't update this mode for 5.0 and I would have had to fix it anyway, so instead I just remade it from scratch instead of actually stealing your mode and re-releasing it, which is something I would never do without permission.
 - You seemed to be fine with it a month ago.
 - Anyone who cares could search for OBIE and see you made that mode long before I made this.

Again, I don't have a problem giving you credit for the original port of this concept in the opening thread, but I really don't care for the accusation that I tried to steal from you, especially since we've known eachother for so long and you should at least know that I would never aim to do something like that.  Besides, re-imaginings are completely allowed in this community considering that's what the base game is.  Stealing or taking credit for assets that are not yours is not okay, but innovating on the same basic idea doesn't require credit or permission.

Obviously it's still the proper thing to do to give credit to your source material regardless, and perhaps I should have done that in a more direct way, but I guess between the simplicity/origins of the idea and the name which is a direct homage to your mode I didn't see the need to do so in my 3 sentence release post.  If it was something like Agent Under Fire, which is pretty unique, I would have made a point to mention that it was your design...but you don't really own gamemode concepts from other games, especially ones that are so simple not even the original game owns the concept.

So, next time you'd like me to mention something you feel I should, instead of PMing me threatening to steal and re-release all of my assets as an X variant, ask politely for what you want and make an effort to understand that while I try to be fair to everyone I'm not perfect and sometimes in the spur of the moment I forget something, or in this case might think I already did it in a more meaningful way than just a throwaway line in a topic few people who play the mode will ever read.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2018, 10:58:34 pm by Entropy-Soldier »
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Re: [Gameplay] One Bullet is Enough X
« Reply #10 on: August 18, 2018, 03:05:15 am »

If you want to do this here, we most certainly can.  Starting out, I'm not even going to read all of your babble because that's all it is.  You really have a tendency to write a book when I guarantee most people don't even bother reading all of that.

Even though this game mode was not 100% my idea, you have no right to take something that I created, put an X after it and re-release it.  I don't care if you're the lead dev, think you have all the power, you're super cool, or whatever is wrong with you.  It was my mode that I created and I was proud of.  How would you feel if I took something that you made, re-coded it, put an X after that, created a new thread and acted like this was solely my idea.  I'm sure you'd be kind of pissed off.

The next time you do something like this, you need to consider how the original author is going to take it.  It would be a good idea to say something like, "Hey Troy, I really like the game mode that you created.  Would you mind if I reworked it?  I'll be sure to note that this was your original port."  What right do you have in saying that my game mode is open source, taking what I did, and not even saying this was my original mode?  You don't, and if you do that again, I'm going to drive down to Florida and punch you in the face.

I shouldn't have to tell you that this was a wrong thing to do.  How old are you?  Do you have your head up your ass?  I looked at your profile, and even some random guy was asking you if it was okay to tweak your map first.  I mean really, haven't you made enough stuff?  Do you really need to "steal" my stuff?  I guess I already know the answer to that because that's what you tried to do.
Complete - Arsenal, One Bullet is Enough, Tournament DM v2, TurboDM
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Re: [Gameplay] One Bullet is Enough X
« Reply #11 on: August 18, 2018, 04:17:41 am »

Well, the post is long because I felt it was a complex issue so I took the time to outline my position as clearly as I could.  If you don't care about my side of the story then I don't really see the point in discussing this, especially if you're just going to use it as an excuse to throw personal attacks at me and accuse me of stuff you know very well I wouldn't do.

If you want to send me more baseless insults please do so with PMs.
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