Well, I'm not good at rating things, but let's try...:
I really liked GE:S, how it was created as a "innovation of the past" (it was already done in the past once, but not very focused to BE something), as well as its great nostalgia energy that flows within the game. And they just didn't threw the classic maps and called it a day, no, they made something balanced. Hell, it can even support community tournaments! That's one thing that few dantesque mods like this have.
The gameplay favors the strategic ones (but, unfortunately, the camper ones as well) instead of the spam-shooters. However if you don't have a good internet, then prepare to see things like "he shoots you at the invisible organ that you left there [number] seconds ago" and "false shots", but since I have a crappy PC, I'm kind of accustomed to that...
Most of the musics are great, bringing immersion in the game (though they lost its power when you get into clutch or frantic moments). The sounds are par to what the game offered, but with better quality. The graphics are great as well, though, for me, characters' skins are kind of... odd there... especially Bond's.... but since, again, crappy computer! Can't decide if that's the game or my PC that does this.
The DAT cartridges EE gives the player the urge to explore the map in further detail, so it was a excellent idea. And, with the removal of Ge_train after some playthroughs of the staff (including beta-testers, "community voices", etcetera) for being "too much linear", as well as a rework of Ge_dam, gives the players the thought that they aren't just throwing things at us: instead, they are trying to improve a multiplayer idea almost forgotten by time.
So, after what I tried to say, I'll complete by saying it's a great game and people should, at least, give it a try.

Observation: I'm not English native, so misspells and syntax errors may occur.
Post-scriptum: If people tries to search me (don't know why, but still) and sees that I'm not playing GE: anymore, before calling me a hypocrite bastard, I uninstalled the game because of depression reasons. And that didn't happened only with this game, so... yeah...