Hello! I have been around here on the forums for only a few months, but I've been playing the game since the beta 1 days in 2007, and much more frequently since early 2011. I am interested in joining your ranks as a level designer.
I always held GE:S maps as the standard of how good maps in the Source engine can truly be. They are definitely one of the best collections of maps I've ever seen, and I've always strived to reach that level of perfection.
I have been toying around with Hammer since 2008, but didn't make any serious attempts at releasing a worthwhile product until my recent project, the DuClare Chateau re-creation. The goal was to re-imagine the DuClare Chateau from Deus Ex using the Source Engine.
Below are screenshots from the map. I can easily say this is my crowning achievement in designing levels, and I am extremely proud with how it came out. I am responsible for the mapping and a handful of textures.

Skills and experience:- Six years of experience with the Hammer editor
- Ability to create fully immersive environments
- Ability to create maps and tweak layouts to suit multiplayer flow and balance
- Ability to re-design existing levels for multiplayer gameplay
- Ability to create complex and visually interesting brushwork
- Comprehensive understanding of level optimization
- Ability to import custom assets for a map
- Ability to finish a project I start
- Ability to build off of criticism and take it to part, not to heart
Additionally, I have an understanding of how to create high-res textures for my maps. I have only a few months of experience, but I learned so much in a short time.
Here is a gallery of the textures I made for the chateau.Skills with texture creation:- Ability to create diffuse textures
- Ability to create normal maps
- Ability to create specular maps
I am eager to offer these skills and develop them further, and in the process contribute quality content to the mod. Both the mod and its community have given me so much; I would love to help out in any capacity I can.
Email: jordan.jman26@gmail.com