We could build a GE007 remake that would be the greatest anyone has ever seen. Problem is we're limiting our market to a small age range(only those who were playing the original). So we have a chunk of people who will find the game amazing, but when a non-GE007 gamer plays(maybe from word of mouth), he will completely hate the game as you have these couple dozen people who are amazing, and all new players will get mopped up.
Do you remember the earlier days of gaming? Yes you do, because you know GoldenEye007. It was a period where generaly gamers consisted of "nerds". You know, the people that freaked out Super Mario Bros with all secrets levels. It was an age where games were better then, then they are now.
The first Zelda was great. Todays gamers cannot beat it because it's hardcore. It's a challange instead of the next couch-entertainment pile of shit.
Now this mod is currently (4.1) exactly that; oldskool, difficult, challanging. It's when you end at the top; you have accomplished something.
What you want to do is lure in these "OMG 2 difficult!" kids. That's by far not good at all because this is a multiplayer game and the people you play against set the difficulty. The current players exploit the system to death, that's why it's difficult. The majority of the Joe Sixpacks that you're trying to lure in, will not. Even if you give them the best education, they will not exploit a game of chess, nor will they exploit GE:S.
These changes are only adding some small enhancements so beginners will not run away after one map, and keep playing as people are sticking around and playing, and getting better (Ala more competition).
More bodies, meaning less percentage competition. I don't want to play against lazy Joe's. I want to meet hardcore when I play.
Or would like to keep playing with the couple dozen regulars(who are world wide) and have them be the only real competition you have, as the noobs stop playing.
Yes. And if you'd bring GE:S to have everything GE007 had, including SP maps, you'd get more people.
My nephew had GE007 on the N64. Every release he checks it out and finds stuff still missing. "Where's Train?", "How to use dual waep-... wait not dual waepons?", etc. And he leaves because of that.
Do you even realise that newcommers will be like "Doesn't look like Crysis 5. Man this sucks."?
The rest of your post I have not quoted because I totally don't believe it's going to work out in RL.