I used to play GES awhile in 2009 and I liked the game much better then. I feel the hit detection in this game isn't accurate and is inconsistent.
The hit detection is just as bad as it was in 2009, we're working on fixing it at the moment.
Shotguns can shoot and do damage from entirely to far away and other times right up close they don't do much at all.
This is also being addressed.
Klobb is a terrible weapon. Original Bond the Klobb was not that bad, it was actually some what decent. I can shoot someone in the back , in the head and they can turn around and kill me before I kill them, BS.
No, it really was that bad. The Klobb in GE:S is actually slightly more accurate than in GoldenEye 64 to help make it a bit more usable. But it is intentionally supposed to be a terrible gun, it always was.
The system where leg shots and arm shots count as less is dumb, all body shots should be the same.
It's based on the damage model in the original game. Most people never realise this because in Singleplayer guards were incredibly weak and died from just 2 or 3 shots in the legs and arms whilst most people used AutoAim in Multiplayer which would aim for the chest.
Why is that someones face can be all paint balled up and no head shot registered?
Because Source displays bullet hit decals clientside, so if you shoot a character on your end they will look as if they are hit when they may not be. We're working on finding a solution to this.
I never EVER use to complain about this game, I loved it. Now it feel like its just some poorly made FPS or something?
IMHO you guys where doing something great before, but now the graphics are different and the hit detection isn't accurate and its just not as fun. I'd rather sit down on my N64 with friends.
I think even some of the developers share this sentiment, we're constantly working to make the game a more fun experience. It's by no means perfect and we realise there is huge room for improvement and we're working towards that.
Remote mines watch shouldn't be secondary weapon, it should be the next weapon after remote mines, just like in the original.
It works better as a secondary weapon. It is only useful if you're actually using remote mines. So when you have remote mines you don't have to fumble around scrolling through the weapons to get out the detonator when you can just press right click.
There's no real board where the sniper rifle is really usable like it should be. There use to be an outside winter board with big satellites it was great for, where did that go?
It's being worked on behind the scenes. The old version doesn't stand up to our current quality standards and it has to be remade. It will be done enventually.
The sniper rifle is still useful on maps like Cradle and Runway for long distance shooting.
You can flame what you want, but I've been playing for a week this is MY impression of the game. I feel like I have to figure some twisted way of flames and stupid tricks to this game to get legit kills and keep up and I have, but I shouldn't have to.
I pretty much share your sentiment on a lot of what you've said. We're constantly improving, just watch this space.