, I felt so fucking bad for the miners when this shit happened. I mean imagine being in a dark, rocky, 90% humidity environment for over 2months, (shakes) no way i would survive.
I am really happy they are removed and rescued. Just look at Chile, i mean the president is just like a regular normal guy, the entire Chile people are like a family together, whereas Americans we dont give a shit to each other (kinda)
I am surprised Obama didnt visit Chile and the miners, atleast show some respect, I mean wouldn't you guys agree? or is he too busy fixing our shitty economy?
I saw the entire live video, from the testing the capsule, to removing the 5-6th miner out..
I honestly saw so much happiness in that country compared to ours. Makes me want to cry just now, because of the way our beautiful country is operating like McDonalds making a shit sandwich. You guys all know the 90's era... Good ol days...
Sorry I'm just missing too much of the good times.