Bugs are red,
issues are yellow,
Addressed are green, Fixed are green and striked out..
Weapon bugs:- Sometimes Explosives, Grenade Launcher & Rockets don't seem to register as favourite weapon and appear as 'none'
KM: This happens sometimes, has to do with server -> client comms not the weapons themselves or the stats systemMap bugs:Aztec:
Suffers very bad framerates around the launching bay area (lower than any fps I've had outside on runway in 3.1)
Is far too large and feels quite empty even with 20+ playersEgyptian:
in CTK the golden-gun room is often inpenetrable (it only has one entrance whereas the obelisk area has 3 entrances. Causes very unbalanced gameplay)
Elevator is very easily broken by simple usage -
Certain doors can be desynchronised and become impassable even when open (door model open whilst brush closed + vise versa).
In TDM and other team games, the upper spawn room is very vulnerable to spawn campers.Various:
Weapon spawns placed in unreachable places/inside brushes/under the floor (Facility_Classic, Aztec, Basement)
Gameplay bugs:Capture The Key:
Objective icons on the radar like the key, case and capture points aswell as nearby players disappear completely from the radar leaving it completely blank or only displaying teammates (happened on Egyptian, there was a dev in game who had the same thing, possibly related to your position in the world since it happened to me two or three times on the stairs going between the obelisk and basement, possibly related to world position on the Z axis)
Players with carrier icons on radar when they are not carrying (possibly from switching teams when they are a carrier or from being a carrier when the previous round ended -
Gun Game:
Timer is frozen (displayed when it shouldn't be)
KM: This will make it in 4.1, client fixes are pushed to then-
Hard to identify winner through lack of scores and prompt ending KM: Fixed 4.0.2Live And Let Die:
Is too often played as MWGG by everyone except for the Baron-
Description is too brief for new players to grasp KM: The wiki will be updated soon with a better descriptionYou Only Live Twice:
'Press Start' is displayed when you are dead even though you cannot respawn (should be changed / hidden in this instance)
KM: Not gonna changeMisc:-
Spectator flashlight bug still exists-
Client sometimes crashes when joining a server (possibly whilst already connected to another, seems to crash when loading the map)
KM: This is a valve bug, most likely the ingame overlay causing the crash. Send me MDMPs (upload and PM them to me) to confirm-
Initial startup screen/video does not fit 4:3 aspect ratio (overlaps far over the edges of the screen) KM: Nothing we can do about it...-
In some instances Female Scientist's pony tail sticks straight upwards and flickers/stretches KM: This is the product of shittastic jigglebone code made by valveI'll keep this updated if I find more... I guess.