- Great Level Updates, Many new areas, easter eggs, and revamps, people who played (And still play) the N64 Goldeneye like me got really amused.
- The addition of the new weapons, specially the laser, which made me yell "Pew pew pew pew pew!" Whenever I killed people with it.
- Less ping (Though I still get 200 Latency, used to get 300 on Beta 3).
- New Goldeneye Look & Feel: Great music work, Improved HDR, New Playermodels, Awesome Gamemodes and more.
- Sounds for the weapons are very realistic and well made.
Not so awesome:
- Getting stuck on some props.
- Achievement, first person to get the Hl2.exe memory error after trying to make a clientside server!
- Accuracy. The KF7 needs it's accuracy a teeny tiny bit higher.
- Lack of a Tank. (Yes, Perhaps a tank on Runway would do good?)
- Armor. The kevlar isn't making much difference.
- Headshots aren't always a kill. (For Snipers, that is.)
- The cameras should be destructible. (YES! More explosions.)
- Needs more Yahtzee Review.
Apart from some bugs and a few inconveniences, the progress on the release was greater than I could ever expect on this release. Being an old fan of Goldeneye (Having finished the N64 game up to 007 difficulty about 7 times and watched the movie over 60 times); I must admit you brought back my childhood with this release.