I'm for Edwards 100%. He's a down home boy with an actual plan for universal health care, while Clinton is just another just another two-faced chickenhawk, Obama doesn't have enough experience, and the entire Republican field minus Ron Paul is full of dipshits. Ron Paul is brilliant in that believes in the constitution, and not some bullshit made up about terrorism and memos about what constitutes torture; however, he is extremely libertarian, and would do away with departments that I think are crucial to the success of the country
What's funny is Kucinich and Ron Paul are removed from every public news poll because the news company feels the poll is being unfairly influenced by their supporters = epic lulz
America is a bunch of religiously hell bent tards anyway, so I'm actually fairly pessimistic of the future of our country. I can't wait for the establishment of our great theocracy. /sarcasm
So basically my dream ticket is Edwards/Richardson
"If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy. It is a universal truth that the loss of liberty at home is to be charged to the provisions against danger, real or pretended, from abroad. " - James Madison
ps: if it comes to Guiliani vs.Clinton, I'm going to execute myself out of pure depression