Greetings again folks.
It's been a week and map's development is alive and well. I found out to be no textures appropriate for my map, and since the original's in UT are only of 256x256 resolution, I decided it was time for me to learn how to make my own textures, so I've started tinkering around with Substance Designer, therefore the majority of my time used on the map development lately is texture making.
I've not much to show you today, but there's a fair amount of changes in the map itself since my first post, mainly 95% of the secondary geometry is finished, a few textures have been applied, and I've started work on lighting as well.
For lighting, I will try to stay as accurate as possible to the original, but many lights in the original are plain white, and I think that feels quite bland, so I'll try to tweak it to look natural enough without eliminating the original feel of the Unreal Tournament map.
Since lighting isn't done at all, the following screenshots will be fullbright, as this only showcases an idea of what the map will look like brush-wise and texture-wise. The wall texture is a work in progress, and a few of the already-available textures are bound to change since some of them are from HL2, and are just placeholders. There's still a few dev textures laying here and there but that should give you an idea of what the final product may look like. No video for now, as I thought this was not a big enough update to warrant a video. Thanks for looking!