Loyal fans and friends,
It has been more than 7 years since the Alpha 1 build was released to the public. We have had millions of downloads since then, and we’re humbled and honored each and every time a player tells us that we've delivered that nostalgic GoldenEye 64 feeling. Even as the original GE007 audience grows up and new gaming audiences emerge, GoldenEye: Source remains relevant to the gaming world. Since the main demographic for our game, those original GE007 players, are now in their mid 20’s and early 30’s - we have an older, but very unique market. Yet, we are still here. We are still working away, building a game worthy of the name ‘GoldenEye’, but why? For many, this was our first game, our first multiplayer experience. GE007 was the first time you could sit down for hours with your friends and yell at the TV and each other and couldn't wait to do it all over again the next day. GoldenEye Source was our attempt at bringing that experience the PC, for both newcomers and 00 veterans alike. As long as we can continue to offer a sliver of that same feeling today, we’ll keep working hard to deliver on our original goal. Thanks for your years of dedication and support, and now onto the main subject!
GoldenEye: Source v.4.2.3 is a ‘maintenance’ patch, you could say. Community honed to deliver a great long term service version while we work alongside on our next large release (v4.3). Both have been in development this past year. With long term projects pushed to v4.3 and gameplay enhancing changes pathed to v4.2.3. We are here to announce the download and official change log for v4.2.3.

- Long term fan and contributor Troy's popular Arsenal and Tournament-Deathmatch gamemodes have been added officially.
- You can now change the difficulty of bots directly from the create server menu. Additionally added to the new menu is the ever requested 'Turbo Mode' option. No need for custom gamemodes to have the lightning fast gameplay in any of your favorite gamemodes, all now supported natively.
- Added sniper rifle zoom in/out with the mouse wheel
- Invulnerability system tweaked to offer a more balanced experience
- Spawning system vastly improved to prevent players from spawning in the middle of firefights.
- Plethora of code enhancements for gamemode creators(See Full Changelog below). Additionally, our python code is now Opensource. So gameplay creators and Ai tweakers can get the latest code as we are working on it. Find this here.
* CTK: World kills now count as suicides
* YOLT: Enhanced foes indicator and general rewrite for efficiency
* Added Arsenal and Tournament DM from Troy
* Team Round Report scores are more readable
* Round Report title is localizable (and changes between round and match)
* Fixed round report showing incorrect information when switching game modes mid-match
* Fixed justification in HUD Messages from Python
* Added color hinting to HUD Messages
* Bot difficulty and turbo mode were added to the create server menu
* Fixed Ammo/Armor/Weapons respawning instantly with > 24 players
* Added sniper rifle zoom in/out with the mouse wheel
[Gameplay / Misc]
* Added glow to capture areas
* Added Enable/Disable inputs for item_armorvest
* Toned down the screen flash after receiving damage
* Fixed overlapping capture areas in smaller maps
* Added ge_endround_keepweapons command to keep the current weapon set across round transitions
* npc_mine is now separated into three different entities: npc_mine_remote, npc_mine_proximity, npc_mine_timed
* Added a convar to disable the open slot left when filling a server with bots
* Advanced music selection based on map defined areas
* Fixed loadout manager not selecting gameplay loadouts properly
* Invulnerability system tweaked to offer a more balanced experience
* Spawning system vastly improved to prevent players from spawning in the middle of firefights
* SSL tuned up the intro video, with 720p to 1080p and switched video internals from PAL to NTSC
[Python API]
* Consolidated GEUtil.PlaySound functions
* GEUtil.PlaySoundFrom now localizes the sound to the immediate area
* Added GEPlayer.GetSteamID() to python API
* Added GEUtil.StopSound function
* Added several temporary entities to GEUtil.SpawnTempEnt
* Added several new temporary entities to GEUtil.CreateTempEnt
* Can submit server and client commands from python as if from console
Torrent: https://kickass.to/goldeneye-source-v4-2-3-patch-1-exe-t7562152.htmlMD5: 657592BC047793202241CB41627EF108
SHA1: 980901C93461F0A151A06F8E2EC2FCD15178D412
https://kickass.to/goldeneye-source-v4-2-3-full-1-exe-t7562133.htmlMD5: FF9D3B3AC6612B727202CC6DEA7B4333
SHA1: 446270F0781872A1EF91BE7615F6EE806CA6BAB1
Link: ModDb Patch InstallerMD5: 657592BC047793202241CB41627EF108
SHA1: 980901C93461F0A151A06F8E2EC2FCD15178D412
Moddb Full InstallerMD5: FF9D3B3AC6612B727202CC6DEA7B4333
SHA1: 446270F0781872A1EF91BE7615F6EE806CA6BAB1
ModDb Server Patch {7z}MD5: 70135226B9D6ABB5261326264E305415
SHA1: FAEA4E71865E294D82B2659C825DC9EBF7A16194
ModDb Server Full {7z}MD5: C0CC7F36C48BA8332213AB153ABC18C2
SHA1: 58EA124A1BC7AE4E5B2A9087C9673D60A8464C03
As always, you can follow us more closely at our community hubs! We love your comments, contributions, and excitement. Continue to give your opinions, and get involved with our discussion areas!
Team GoldenEye: Source