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Author Topic: GamePlay Scenarios  (Read 18394 times)

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GamePlay Scenarios
« on: March 20, 2013, 08:39:47 pm »

I have been playing around with modifying the Python files for GamePlay scenarios with some success, but I am a little rusty in programming and I don't totally follow what needs to be done.  I haven't seen them elsewhere (maybe I'm blind feel free to say lmgtfy).

If anyone likes this idea or cares to help me, great.  If not, I'll keep tooling around.  I just thought I'd mention it.

I am interested in creating three scenarios, stolen directly from CoD.  I'm just not sure about the limitations of scenarios in this game.  Sorry for the lazy explanations, but better ones can be found online if I'm unclear.

One in the Chamber: basically, everyone starts with one bullet in a golden ppc and knives. if you get a kill with that bullet or your knife, you get another bullet.  if you lose the bullet, you have none until you get another.  in the cod version you spectate after 3 lives.  I'm not sure if the bullet dynamics work such that you can spontaneously add a single bullet while still alive

Sharpshooter: like gungame, you have a list of guns that cycle, but instead of getting a new gun after a kill, you just get a new gun after 45 seconds based on the server.  I'm not sure if you can time the server, and I'm not sure if you can suddenly get a new gun in hand

Infected - one player is randomly infected and when an infected player kills someone that player becomes infected.  loadouts are different for players vs infected so usually you give the infected maybe knife or instant slapper death or something, while players usually get some decent gun or some such.  survivors get a point every time some other survivor gets infected, so if there are 10 players, the last player gets 9 points total ftw

Thanks folks



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Re: GamePlay Scenarios
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2013, 09:17:15 pm »

I'm not a programmer, but afaik the first Thing should be possible.

Sharpshooter sounds much similar to gungame for me.

The third one i'm not sure, but i think it was at least suggested as a gamemode once.
But i guess it wasn't done yet.


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Re: GamePlay Scenarios
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2013, 09:34:59 pm »

Sharpshooter sounds more like Casino Royale, actually.

And if the first one were to go anywhere I'd suggest using a Golden Gun, not a Golden PP7; the latter doesn't kill on a limb shot in GE:S. And maybe calling it "I Only Need One". Can't give any programming feedback though.


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Re: GamePlay Scenarios
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2013, 10:29:44 pm »

Thanks for the note about Casino Royale, it looks almost exactly what I was talking about.

Infected is definitely doable too I think, but it's a whole other project I don't want to think about yet.  Maybe if I can get OitC to work I'll give it a shot after.  It would be key to know the difference between a survivor and an infected, have to use a bonds vs baron type strategy maybe.

I've been poking around trying to make One in the Chamber.  It's easy enough to remove weapon/ammo spawns and give players a gun.  It seems that all you can give is a single clip not a single bullet, so unless I use Golden Gun (clip = bullet) it ain't gonna be fun like OitC at all.  Really I would prefer that it be a DD44 and give one bullet at a time.  Anyway now I can start players off with one bullet in their Golden Gun.  Next I was going to add killer.GiveAmmo in OnPlayerKilled, but I don't understand GiveAmmo.  It takes ( self, ammo_name, amount ), but I tried ( killer, "ammo_goldengun", 1) etc. and had no luck.  What would ammo_name be I wonder? the console keeps asking for a char??  Instead I just give an entire new gun using killer.GiveNamedWeapon which works ok to just add a bullet to the Golden Gun.  Another problem is picking up bullets from bodies.  If I say CanPlayerHaveItem, I can block picking up the guns, but then I can't use GiveNamedWeapon elsewhere.

Remaining questions:
1 How do you add a single bullet
2 How do you use GiveAmmo (what is ammo_name and why does the thing keep saying I need a char)
3 How do you prevent picking up rounds from dead players

Possible solutions
1 ?
2 Use GiveNamedWeapon instead
3 use some kind of flag that the player has that stores a boolean so CanPlayerHaveItem can check before giving a gun.  I can't figure out how to store my own flag it's something beyond me in Python although I feel it should be easy
« Last Edit: March 21, 2013, 01:43:31 am by sylvanusx »


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Re: GamePlay Scenarios
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2013, 10:33:03 am »

Sharpshooter sounds more like Casino Royale, actually.
I actually meant Casino Royale, not sure why i wrote gungame.


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Re: GamePlay Scenarios
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2013, 10:38:21 pm »

I don't understand this coding at all.

why doesn't this workkkkkkk

player.GiveNamedWeapon( "weapon_dd44", 0, True ) #first of all it insists on giving a clip even when I say 0
player.WeaponSwitch( "weapon_dd44" )
weapon = player.GetActiveWeapon() #even if I force to change
assert isinstance( weapon, GEWeapon.CGEWeapon ) #even if I insist
weapon.SetAmmoCount( 0 ) #says null
print (player.HasWeapon( "weapon_dd44) #even this shows False!


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Re: GamePlay Scenarios
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2013, 12:19:48 am »

Add a coder on Steam.  Killer Monkey, Euphonic or myself.  One of us can address your problem.
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Re: GamePlay Scenarios
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2013, 04:17:15 am »

One in the Chamber: basically, everyone starts with one bullet in a golden ppc and knives. if you get a kill with that bullet or your knife, you get another bullet.  if you lose the bullet, you have none until you get another.  in the cod version you spectate after 3 lives.  I'm not sure if the bullet dynamics work such that you can spontaneously add a single bullet while still alive

I've started making this game mode.  It's called One Bullet is Enough.  I will have it done soon.
Complete - Arsenal, One Bullet is Enough, Tournament DM v2, TurboDM
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Re: GamePlay Scenarios
« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2013, 08:10:07 am »

I've finished coding OBIE.  There will be an event hosted this Saturday for it.  I'll post more information in the GE:S Events Steam group.
Complete - Arsenal, One Bullet is Enough, Tournament DM v2, TurboDM
Defunct - Agent Under Fire
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Re: GamePlay Scenarios
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2013, 04:42:31 am »

that's awesome! I'm very excited to try it out

Grunt Attack

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Re: GamePlay Scenarios
« Reply #10 on: May 27, 2013, 12:29:24 pm »

How abour Team Defender From MW3?
The Gametype is very silmilar to Goldeneye N64's "The Living Daylights" and Halo's "Oddball" except there is only 1 flag in the map and the flag doesn't respawn if the flag has been left untouched for while.
In Cod version , it's like teamdeath but the team with the flag earns two points (2) per kill unlike the team with out flag.However, the player who kills the flag carrier, will earn their team, two and half points (2.5)

Honestly, I found Living Daylights not fun at all as it's really easy to run away from enemies and win the game if there like 4 flags on most GE:S maps.
Team Defender was my favorite gametype of all times and it would be nice if it was plotted over to GE:S.
I'll love to hear your thoughts about my idea and GE:S having One In A Chamber, is brilliant idea :)
« Last Edit: May 27, 2013, 12:45:24 pm by Grunt Attack »


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Re: GamePlay Scenarios
« Reply #11 on: June 02, 2013, 08:15:30 pm »

How abour Team Defender From MW3?
The Gametype is very silmilar to Goldeneye N64's "The Living Daylights" and Halo's "Oddball" except there is only 1 flag in the map and the flag doesn't respawn if the flag has been left untouched for while.
In Cod version , it's like teamdeath but the team with the flag earns two points (2) per kill unlike the team with out flag.However, the player who kills the flag carrier, will earn their team, two and half points (2.5)

Honestly, I found Living Daylights not fun at all as it's really easy to run away from enemies and win the game if there like 4 flags on most GE:S maps.
Team Defender was my favorite gametype of all times and it would be nice if it was plotted over to GE:S.
I'll love to hear your thoughts about my idea and GE:S having One In A Chamber, is brilliant idea :)

Hmm, seems somewhat like Hold the Briefcase (,7310.0.html) with hb_scoretype 1 and hb_cases_override 1. With those settings only one case spawns and scores are determined by the number of kills by the case holder.

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Re: GamePlay Scenarios
« Reply #12 on: June 04, 2013, 03:15:06 pm »

That might actually work out well.
I'll have to host a online dedicated server to see how, Hold The Briefcase and One Bullet Is Enough Gametypes, goes in GE:S
Thanks for tip WNxEuphonic  ;)
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