Casino Royale and Casino Royale LTK have been updated. The below version is outdated and should no longer be used. You can download the revised version via Github on my website here:
Gameplay: Casino Royaleby WNxEuphonic
SynopsisAt the beginning of each round, a random weapon will be selected and given to all players. A timer at the top of the HUD counts down while players fight. When the timer runs out, all players are given the same new weapon and the counter resets. Ammo spawns dynamically change to give ammo for the current weapon.
When the round begins, all players are given a single use of "power" which is used by hitting the "!voodoo" key. When a power is used, the current weapon time is lowered (depending on the number of players). Players can restore their power by scoring a melee kill. An indicator at the top of the HUD displays whether players have power available or not.
Behind the Scenes (Helpful for Server Admins)
There are three custom "cvar" variables accessible to server admins.
cr_timer [integer] - Sets the time between weapon changes (Default 40)
cr_power [1/0] - Enables the use of "power" to shorten the gameplay (Default 1)
cr_teamscoring [1/0] - When enabled and in teamplay, adds a HUD display with the number of kills each team has gotten in the current weapon time. Whichever team has more kills when the timer counts down gets a point and the kills reset. Individual scoring stays the same (Default 1)
cr_killtimer [2/1/0] - When set to 1 bases the timer to the next weapon on the number of frags, when set to 2 does a combination of the timer and the frags, when set to 0 is timer-only (Default 0)
cr_killtimer_weight [integer] - When cr_killtimer [1 or 2] sets the number of kills to the next weapon, ignoring the timer. (Default 10 for deathmatch, 20 for LTK)
ge_startarmed is still important in Casino Royale! It decides whether players are given slappers for their melee weapon or if they are given a knife.
Server operators can custom define their weapon lists by editing the gameplay file. At the top of the file is a list of the weapons in the form (Weapon, WeaponPrintName, AmmoAmount). If you edit the the length of this list, make sure to set self.crCustomList to 1 within the gameplay file.
There are six types of emitted gameplay events available to plugin makers. The first is cr_weaponchange which does not assign itself to a player and is emitted when the weapon changes. cr_powerused is emitted when a player uses their power and is assigned to that player. cr_restoredpower is emitted when a player restores their power through a knife skill and is assigned to that player. The latter two are only emitted when cr_power 1. When teamplay is active and cr_teamscoring 1, there are 3 more events. cr_team_tie is emitted when both teams tie during a weapon time, cr_team_win is emitted when a team scores the most kills during a weapon time, and cr_team_lose is emitted when a team has the least number of kills during a weapon time. The latter two are assigned to one of the two teams.
Timer Bar/Power Indicator
The bar indicates the time until the next weapon. This bar will adjust to changes to cr_timer changes on the fly. The "Power" indicator on the top right disappears when a player uses their power and reappears at the beginning of a new round or after a melee kill.
Chat Messages
From top to bottom of the above screenshot. The first shows that a player has used their power, identifying the player and explaining what exactly happened. The second message shows that a player scored a melee kill and restored their power (this message is not displayed if a player had not yet used their power since players can only have one power in reserve at a time). The third message shows an error when players attempt to use a power they don't have, while the final message displays a weapon switch.
Players can type !current into the chat to receive a message displaying the current weapon. By default the mode excludes proximity mines and timed mines from being given since they do not play well with the gameplay.
A sound is played when players restore their own power, the weaponset is changed, or a player uses their power.
Team Scoring
When in teamplay with cr_teamscoring 1, this HUD display shows up on the left side of every players screen. It displays the number of kills each team has scored with the current weapon during the current timer. At the end of the timer, these scores reset to 0:0 and a chat message is displayed with the winning team. If both teams score the same number of kills, both teams get 1 point. If both teams get 0 kills, no message is sent and neither team gets a point.
Casino Royale LTK
Casino Royale LTK is similar in play to Casino Royale, except with one shot kills. By default only single fire weapons, klobbs and grenades are included in the rotation.
Video DemonstrationYou can watch a short demo of Casino Royale
Special Thanks
Special thanks to E-S and KillerMonkey for answering and tolerating my tons of questions. Big thanks to E-S for helping me test and providing me feedback. Thanks to WNxFalko for giving me the idea to restore power on melee kills. Thanks to WNxBadPlayer for running our WNx servers and helping me set up the larger tests. Big thanks to everyone in WNx for their support and of course the GE:S Dev Team (Especially VC) for making such an awesome mod : )
Problems I'm Aware Of
When players pick up an ammo box, they receive both the custom ammunition for the gameplay as well as the default ammo box amount. When the gameplay weapon and the default ammo boxes are the same ammo type, players receive both. When players pick up an ammo box containing a grenade or mine, they drop the tiny weapon box on the ground; these little boxes start littering the floor easily. All of these except the double ammo are aesthetic and do not affect gameplay, and the double ammo only mildly.
- Download -Update 2/19/2011 -- Fixed spawn weapons being dropped on player spawn (Mild Update)
Update 2/19/2011 -- Created three gameplay events (Player uses power, player gains power from melee kill, weapon changes). Also fixed problem where players could use power in spectator mode.
Update 4/30/2011 -- Prevented players being able to use power after round end.
Update 5/02/2011 -- Added new team scoring system, ability to use kills instead of timer or combination of both
Update 8/3/2012 -- Added support for bots, updated for GE:S 4.2
Update 8/10/2012 -- Fixed Casino Royale using Casino Royale LTK weapon list resulting in melee-only coming up all the time
Update 6/30/2013 -- Updated modes to 4.2.3 standards
Installation instructions can be found within the .zip
If you modify this gameplay, you must retain all credits to myself (WNxEuphonic). Borrowing any components from this gameplay requires crediting both WNxEuphonic and the GE:S Devs. Cannot be sold or exchanged for anything. Even kittens.