I have to say that GoldenEye: Source is coming along very well, but there's a few things that are still bothering me, and keep the mod from truly feeling like GoldenEye. So, I'm going to list my suggestions to remedy this.
1. The PP7's origins are too far to the right - Move the weapon a little to the left so it's seated more like the others, and more like GoldenEye's.
2. Lack of view sway when moving - I'm not so much talking about the breathing effect, which is done admirably... I'm more speaking about that weaving/bobbing effect that occurs when you ran around in GoldenEye. Get this simple effect in, and it would make things feel so much better, as if you were controlling a moving human being, rather than a sliding camera with a swaying hand attached.
3. Player yelps and screams are missing - Remember how the players would scream in agony on a confirmed hit in multiplayer? 'Nuff said.
4. AR33 sounds nothing like the original - The AR33 had an almost Hissing sound to it, like a fierce metallic reptilian beast that flings lead... This needs to come back.
EDIT: I modified the existing sound, is closer to the original -
http://forums.geshl2.com/index.php/topic,7404.msg77352.html#msg773525. RCP-90 needs a little more oomph - Basically like the AR33, it had a bassy thump and a hiss to it, except shorter and faster.
6. A lot of weapons need proper muzzle flashes - I hate to say it, but the default HL2 Muzzle flash is fucking UGLY. I'd definitely work on getting some custom particle muzzle flashes more closely resembling the original game's, rather than the HL2 Flashes... As right now, it makes it dead obvious that it's an HL2 mod still, and it takes you right out of the experience.
7. Needs a classic aiming mode - This has been suggested time and time again, and it has been shot down, for reasons I honestly do not agree with at all. So, again, I'm bringing it up. The ability to freely aim anywhere in an area on the screen before turning would be a godsend, and ultimately make the game feel like true GoldenEye to me. An example of a Source Engine game that does this perfectly already, would be Garry's Mod 13. In GMOD, when you pressed a certain key, you could aim anywhere on your screen without turning, with great precision. Your view model would point where you were aiming too, working with any existing SWEP from older GMOD versions. I think this can be done in GES, but with some tweaks, which I'll demonstrate with a shitty diagram below:

In GMOD, you didn't turn when your aim hit the edge of the screen, which of course doesn't feel right. So, I figured, why not make a boundary? Basically, when you reach this boundary, the crosshair can't move any further from your screen's center, but you will start to turn instead, still allowing you to make quick movements and reactions. Also, with less camera chaos, it may be even allow you to line up your headshots a little bit easier, which would be nice.