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Funny little Caves bit
Loafie, Hero of Dreams:
At one point a long while ago, I was testing a waterfall in the expanded area with a water body and a moving refraction texture, as if Caves didn't have enough dynamic elements to make your computer grumble.
Speaking of dynamic elements, after some sleuthing by our beloved Luchador, we've decided as a team to eliminate the dynamic lighting in the next update of Caves. I know, I know, it was a fun gameplay element and it was exciting for me to throw in there, but removing it quadruples your FPS, so we think it's a good trade. As one member put it, "Well it does suck that we are going to lose the main draw factor to the map, but in the long run what is better, performance or gameplay? You cant use features if you cant play the game." The generators will still be there to explode though so have plenty of fun with those. Aaaaaaand now back to my thesis! ciaociaociao
Jonathon [SSL]:
Wow, never knew about you trying to put a waterfall in there. That could easily be done with a particle system if you tell me exactly what you want.
One of the biggest complaints ingame is about the lag on Caves. Hopefully this solves the problem in the future.
And that waterfall looks sweet...
Sergeant Kelly:
Noooo, I loved those lights!
This is an extremely sad moment. Dynamic things like buttons and explosives are my favorites and I hate to see them go.
If we are able to find another option for the lighting i would be all for it.. even if we try to do some sort of cheat where we have a filter on the client or a giant block that makes it darker spawn. I know I have no issues with my hardware.. but I am not a typical kind of guy.
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