after learning the basics of css source combat and comming back to this mod I've learned to love it
however I have a few suggestions on how to make it better, please note these are suggestions not demands.
the mods great as it is and besides you've probably already delt with most of these issues for beta 4 anyways
1. that the current gameplay mode be put in the lower corner for anyone who just joined a server to see what the gameplay mode it is and then maybe it fades away after a few seconds.
2. that we be given the option to move the radar to one of 5 places as illustrated in my attachment via an option in the options menu
3. that during team deathmatches when you shoot your own teammate blood doesn't shootout like your shooting an enemy
and maybe a message pops up saying that its an allie
I've found myself chasing someone half way across the map thinking they were an enemy only to learn once they stood still and had their name pop up that they were an allie
4. that your teammates name is always visible in team deathmatch but not your enemies to prevent the above from happening, maybe make this an option in the options menu.
5. maybe have the teams in team deathmatch show up as green and red, green for allies, red for hostiles. I can't really tell whos who with grey and white
6. maybe have the good guys wear black, and the bad guys wears white like in the spy vs spy comics for team matches.
after all good guys and bad guys have both worn black and white in the bond films.
7. have the autoswitch weapons system switch you over to weapons based on there firerate rather than stoping power.
after all the cougar magnums not exactly a close quarters combat gun like the ppk.
8. maybe instead of having white vs black in teamatches we could switch them over to nameless henchmen in red and blue jumpsuits styled like the ones from the game evil genius