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Re: God and the universe...
« Reply #15 on: August 24, 2009, 12:26:41 pm »

I am an engineer and an Atheist. 100% believe in evolution and Big-Bang or similar theory.

Being an engineer has nothing to do with anything.

Evolution can't explain how we have something instead of nothing to begin with. Neither does the Big Bang theory. If you were to honestly look at the Big Bang theory, the only rational explanation at this point is a creator independent of the creation (as I was saying in my other post, with the whole rewinding the point of origin back into infinity).

...most of your "arguments" require a belief that a god exists to begin with in order to be true, so they aren't convincing to someone who doesn't believe that.

And any "argument" against God requires a belief that the universe is eternal (something that cannot be true according to science) or a belief that nothing makes everything (also against science and reason). Given what has been set before us so far, not believing in a creator is much more scientifically illogical than believing in a creator.

“Essentially, I realized that to stay an atheist, I would have to believe that nothing produces everything; non-life produces life; randomness produces fine-tuning; chaos produces information; unconsciousness produces consciousness; and non-reason produces reason. Those leaps of faith were simply too big for me to take, especially in light of the affirmative case for God's existence … In other words, in my assessment the Christian worldview accounted for the totality of the evidence much better than the atheistic worldview.”

There is also no rational reason that your version of a god is any more real than any other religion.

My rationale behind the Judeo-Christian God being the true God is that He is the perfect fit for what all sound philosophy and science has shown us so far. Based on what we know of the universe and our selves, His revelation to us has shown to be the most consistent and persuasive. He is the most well documented and consistent God.

...most of your reasoning comes down to: God is real because the bible says so.  The bible is true because god wrote it.

No, my reasoning comes down to this:
- Based on what we know of the nature of the universe, a creator must exist.
- The Judeo-Christian Scripture is the most profound, consistent, and complete revelation of a creator.

In science, when something is unknown, Scientists try to find out what it is.  They are constantly looking for answers, and theories are constantly being tested to see if they are true or not.  If new information is discovered that contradicts a theory, the theory is thrown away and they try to find out the answer again.

With religion, when something is unknown, religion makes it up.  If new information comes to light, religious doctrine rarely changes to reflect that new information.  Not only does this result in incorrect information, but it stops people from looking for the real answers.

As if a prerequisite for science is atheism? The theistic scientist doesn't dismiss evidence. He isn't against learning. The only difference is that he knows there is a creator, and looks at everything as a way to better understand the mind of the creator. And there has been nothing found to warrant change of scripture. God's revelation is complete. He has shown everything that the human spirit NEEDS to know. That in no way means that we should stop studying the universe. Again, as science stands now, a creator is STILL the only logical conclusion as to how our existence came about.

Some religious people think they have all the answers act act negatively towards others because of this.  One example would be in the other thread and Beatles intolerance of Islam.  I saw that thread and just ignored it even though his beliefs didn't reflect mine, but Beatles had to post a long post bashing his religion.  Other examples would be when people blindly follow religious doctrine and it negatively affects others.

There is a difference between the true religion, and the false religions. I know you don't understand this. But spreading pain and ill-will in His name is not something we are taught. I wasn't "bashing" Islam, I wasn't intentionally trying to hurt osaeed. I was simply presenting arguments against Islam from the Judeo-Christian perspective. If osaeed is a faithful muslim, then he should be studying the Judeo-Christian Scriptures anyway. We believe that Islam is built from the misunderstanding of those scriptures. All I wanted to do was have a discussion on why Islam is, or is not, true.

Also, the true faith comes with no negative effects, at least ultimately. Again, you can't understand this because of what is in your heart and because you have no desire to find out otherwise.

People want excuses not to beleive, and they'll twist anything to fit that want. The spiritual darkness of a human seeks out anything it can find as ammunition against God. They see what they want to see, that they may believe what they want to believe. This is why simply reading Scripture is not enough. There are atheists who have read all of the Scripture, but only in hopes of finding proof that it can't be real. They have no hope of seeing it for what it is. Their heart is not open to the truth. They are spiritually blind, and by choice.

I kinda feel people are cheating themselves by thinking they are going to get an afterlife, and not living the way they want to.

This makes no sense. We are not oppressed. Are you murderer? Are you a liar? Are you obsessed with sexual immorality? Do you love destroying your body? Do you hate all that is good and pure? That's all we are "cheating ourselves" out of; darkness and emptiness.

I can't "prove" God to you, and I'm not trying to do that. You are missing a huge point. If your CHOOSE to be utterly defiant toward God, there's nothing that can MAKE you believe. It's impossible for an atheist to understand the true concept of God, because they intentionally fight against him. And it is hard to try and explain this to them. It's like trying to explain what blue is to someone who was born blind. It's like trying to plant a crop where there is no "ground". They want nothing to do with Him. And this is where all the doubt and confusion concerning Him comes from. It is your choice. If you just open your hearts to Him, He will show you how He is real. No matter what you think, deep in your hearts you know that He must exist.

He has said that there is absolutely no excuse for not believing in Him. Look at all that is in the universe. Look at it's power and glory. Look at the human spirit. Think about how profound thoughts and feelings are. Think of all the complexities. Think of all the diversity that is held in unity. Ponder the very essence of this existence. The proof has always been right in front of you, the problem is that you willingly close your eyes to it and deafen your spirit. Ultimately you are trying to be your own god. You want the glory. You want the power. You want the throne. And this has eternal consequences.

Is the only thing you are concerned with is your own earthly desires and pleasure? Do you really beleive that that's all there is? Don't you realize the emptiness in your human-centric views?

By the way, I use to be an atheist/agnostic up until about a year and a half ago. I'll go more into my personal story at a later time, perhaps.

For those atheists/agnostics, may I suggest using this site for some of your questions?

Perhaps it will stir up curiosity within you that will lead you to Him.

Try to read Scripture with an open heart, do research on religion and the universe from every place (not just places that are biased one way or the other). Just TRY. Ask the questions that matter. The BIG questions.

I hope this isn't appearing as a condescending or anything. I'm probably far from the best person to be preaching. My life so far isn't a good example of the Christian life. I've only accepted Him recently, and am not very wise in these matters. All I'm sure of is that He exists, and that Jesus was indeed Him in flesh whose purpose was to save us.

This topic is for each of us to talk about our beliefs, and perhaps respond to others beliefs within the context of our own.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2009, 03:37:48 pm by JessEH [The Beatles pwn j00!] »


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Re: God and the universe...
« Reply #16 on: August 24, 2009, 12:56:00 pm »

There is only one true religion...

Dude, seriously, that was uncalled for.

I do believe in a God, but I have a particular view, maybe someone shares the same opinion with me. More on this later.

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Re: God and the universe...
« Reply #17 on: August 24, 2009, 04:28:38 pm »

Let me just say that I was raised as a catholic for 15 years, went to catholic schools from grades 1-12, and was baptized and confirmed.  I have plenty of knowledge and experience with religion.  I just eventually realized it was too much like santa claus. 
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Re: God and the universe...
« Reply #18 on: August 24, 2009, 05:32:12 pm »

Im sorry JessEH.... im no expert on religion but any Christian will tell you the world is somewhere around 3,000 years old. This as we know is completely ridiculous as the earth can be carbon dated to 18.7 billion years i think. Surely this is enough?

(Disclaimer: I do not wish to cause harm with my views but as an athiest i am pretty much abliged to find any concept of religion illogical. Nothing personal :P)

*EDIT : Sorry i actually only just read your last post. Imma be quick before i explode and destroy the universe in a blind rage but this...

the true faith comes with no negative effects pure madness. Your a christian, and a western christian by the seems of things. Have you heard of the crusades? .... and if you think that wasnt ultimately evil then you really are quite blind.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2009, 05:43:44 pm by Kinky »

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Re: God and the universe...
« Reply #19 on: August 24, 2009, 06:01:37 pm »

I just eventually realized it was too much like santa claus.


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Re: God and the universe...
« Reply #20 on: August 24, 2009, 06:04:50 pm »

This topic has gotten way out of hand, discussing these matters in this setting is just asking for trouble.  Many people have many diffferent beliefs that is simply the nature of things noone should try to influence anyone else, this includes parents, these things need to be discovered on a personal level and honed through experience of life only then will your beliefs truely be your own and have true value to yourself.  I'm sure many people here who follow an actual religion do so because thats what theve been told there entire childhood, which is when we are the most succeptable to influence,  but if you were to have started with a cleen slate free from outside influence would it have still found you? maybe, maybe not,. But thats left for you to find out to look at the world as it is laid out before your eyes to look with awe and amazement at how precious it is to even exist to seek answers, discouver personal truths, or do nothing at all. That is the essence of the human spirit and the essence of true freedom.

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« Last Edit: August 24, 2009, 06:18:16 pm by WatchMyTrace »

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Re: God and the universe...
« Reply #21 on: August 24, 2009, 08:09:40 pm »

Im sorry JessEH.... im no expert on religion but any Christian will tell you the world is somewhere around 3,000 years old. This as we know is completely ridiculous as the earth can be carbon dated to 18.7 billion years i think. Surely this is enough?

No, they would tell you around 6,000. Those who hold the Young Earth view, anyway.

Do you know anything about radiometric dating methods? Have you done any research at all? There are indeed problems with these methods. It itself is based upon assumptions.

You are clearly not one learned in any science, nor have you done any of the most basic research. Yet you still believe these things to be true? Why? What reason have you? How are you any different from those you call illogical?

Have you heard of the crusades? .... and if you think that wasnt ultimately evil then you really are quite blind.

The Crusades were indeed evil. Those were not Christians. They merely put on a Christian tag in attempt to justify their own wicked desires. Do you think everyone who claims to be with Christ is actually with Christ? If so, "then you really are quite blind."

Again, please open your heart and try to find the answers for yourself. Don't get caught in the snare of only accepting what agrees with you. For it is in our nature to fight against Him. You will trade truths for lies, because the lies agree with the wickedness of the heart. You must overcome this. You must want the truth, no matter what. Seek Him with all your heart, and He will be found by you.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2009, 08:11:14 pm by JessEH [The Beatles pwn j00!] »


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Re: God and the universe...
« Reply #22 on: August 24, 2009, 08:43:16 pm »

@ Kinky - The Universe is 13.7 billion years old.  The Earth is 4.54 billion years old.  Close, but thanks for playing. :D

To an extent, Watch is correct about this thread getting out of hand.  In his original post, JessEH (The Beatles pwn j00!) cited that he was interested in what everyone else here believed in, not that he wanted to debate people over their opinions.

Unfortunately, this is usually the case because religion, faith, and greater meaning are all such a personal and integral part of our entire perception of life.

I think that a discussion of belief is healthy, in that people do not try and force their opinions on one another.

I think this because I also think that having as many points of view as possible for determining reasonable concepts is very important, and that we can all benefit from one another's view points.

There are really only 2 issues I have with religion.

I have a quick question, so, is it religion that you have a beef with, or is it the concept of God?

Also @ Konrad - It's quite uncanny how similiar this aspect of our lives has been.

I'd also like to point out that I'm Christian, and that I'm not personally condemning you all to hell for not agreeing with me.

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Re: God and the universe...
« Reply #23 on: August 24, 2009, 09:14:23 pm »

I'd also like to point out that I'm Christian, and that I'm not personally condemning you all to hell for not agreeing with me.

I hope you are not implying that I am condemning people to Hell, or that I am acting like raging lunatic. I'm being calm and reasonable. I don't see this getting out of hand.

Perhaps "discussion" was the wrong word. What I had in mind was a debate of sorts. I don't want us to only list our beliefs, I also want us to explain and defend them the best we can. I think that would be more beneficial.

Also, one doesn't need to come and debate in this topic if they don't want to. If it's too much for them, they can just ignore it.

But if you feel that this thread should be locked, by all means lock it. I understand.

« Last Edit: August 24, 2009, 09:34:31 pm by JessEH [The Beatles pwn j00!] »

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Re: God and the universe...
« Reply #24 on: August 25, 2009, 01:36:58 am »

I have a quick question, so, is it religion that you have a beef with, or is it the concept of God?

I'm not sure what you mean by 'beef'.  I have a problem with some aspects and consequences of religion, but not religion in general.  To be fair, much of the time it is the people themselves who are the problem, and would probably cause similar issues with or without religion.  But religion can also encourage some of this behavior as well. I don't buy into the concept of god, but I don't have a problem with people who do. 

There have been several comments in this thread about scientific theories requiring belief as well.  Essentially, anything you don't experience yourself requires belief.  However to me there is a difference between religious belief and believing in the scientific process.  The scientific process is completely transparent and peer reviewed.  In school we learn how the scientific process works, and experience it on a small scale. Scientific theories are rigorously tested with the best possible information at the time, are peer reviewed by thousands of people, and theories are thrown out or changed based on new information.  So I have faith in scientific theories because even though I haven't studied a specific theory myself, thousands of other people have and came up with the best possible answer they could, and so I can be reasonably certain it is good information.  The same process does not apply to religious doctrine, and so it must be taken on BLIND faith, which is the key word.  It is the difference between an educated guess and wild speculation. 
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Re: God and the universe...
« Reply #25 on: August 25, 2009, 01:43:22 am »

There is only one true religion...


But if you feel that this thread should be locked, by all means lock it. I understand.

As long as no one builds us a trollercoaster, I see nothing wrong with "discussion."
However, those who are thinking to themselves that they may be swaying others should keep in mind that these topics never, ever reach any sort of conclusion, and can waste a lot of one's time as nothing anyone says will ever persuade anyone else.
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Re: God and the universe...
« Reply #26 on: August 25, 2009, 03:53:09 am »

Tru dat, most of the time it's hard enough just to get people to not threaten to beat eachother up.

I'm not sure what you mean by 'beef'.

Haha, sorry, slang term I guess. :P  Yes, I meant "have a problem with."

However to me there is a difference between religious belief and believing in the scientific process.  The scientific process is completely transparent and peer reviewed.  In school we learn how the scientific process works, and experience it on a small scale. Scientific theories are rigorously tested with the best possible information at the time, are peer reviewed by thousands of people, and theories are thrown out or changed based on new information.  So I have faith in scientific theories because even though I haven't studied a specific theory myself, thousands of other people have and came up with the best possible answer they could, and so I can be reasonably certain it is good information.  The same process does not apply to religious doctrine, and so it must be taken on BLIND faith, which is the key word.  It is the difference between an educated guess and wild speculation. 

I think I get what you're saying - that you find it much more logical and reasonable to trust / believe things backed by empirical data; something which is tangible.

I also think that there are some aspects of religious faith that MUST be taken blindly.  I mean, after all, that's part of the reason why it's called faith, and not stuff that we already know.

That being said, I think it's also important not to disallow the fact that there have been / are scholars that are continously analyzing church doctrine, the holy books, and researching to work out the most correct interpretation to the best of their knowledge.

They may not have numbers and tangible instruments for measuring data, but they do have criteria for a certain standard of morality.

One could make the argument I suppose that mechanical instruments are impartial and not subject to perceptual bias.

One could also reply that there is a reason why we don't use those instruments when we share our feelings with one another, where the squishiness of our consciousness cannot be measured in Mg or kJ.

**side note**

Okay, so technically, our thoughts have a mass that can be measured.  But I think you get my point.

**end side note**

I think that that is one of the reasons why religion / faith / God is such a gray area for everyone - in that it's all conceptual, yet it seems to demand so much from our tangible world.

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Re: God and the universe...
« Reply #27 on: August 28, 2009, 04:07:27 pm »

I'm a Christian young earth creationist. There's too many problems with the evolutionary camp (constantly changing their dates and theories-- apparently the appendix isn't a vestigial organ anymore) and it requires much more faith to believe IMO.

I find these debates fascinating, as long as they don't degenerate into a "what's wrong with you" flamefest. Everything one believes about the origins of the earth is framed by an initial mindset. Try the creationist view just for kicks and you'll see that it makes a good deal of sense.


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Re: God and the universe...
« Reply #28 on: August 28, 2009, 04:50:10 pm »

The holy trinity is a Mathematician, a Physicist, and an Engineer.

The Mathematician set the rules for the universe.  The Physicist determined the materials that would be availiable.  The Engineer figured out how to make that material turn itself into stars, beer, and paper airplanes.

It's really that simple.  Anything else is antrhopocentric idealism and crowd control measures.
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Re: God and the universe...
« Reply #29 on: August 28, 2009, 04:56:56 pm »

I'm a Christian young earth creationist. There's too many problems with the evolutionary camp (constantly changing their dates and theories-- apparently the appendix isn't a vestigial organ anymore) and it requires much more faith to believe IMO.

So what your saying is that when a new discovery is made and a textbook is changed that makes the entire science invalid? That's what science is, it's new discoveries and progression into our understanding of the world around us.
Evolution is based on science which is constantly being updated as new discoveries are made. For example the age of the universe was largly based on theory until the hubble telescope was made which can now see objects as far back as 13 billion light years: see Hubble Ultra Deep Field The farthest image ever taken. 

Once a new and better telescope is made the date could get pushed back farther by witnessing what is known as the dark age (a time shortly after the big bang when no stars existed and thus no light existed) This would absolutely confirm the age of the universe.

Now you tell me which takes more faith, If i all i look at is a old text book that says there is no cure for polio should i never look at a newer one and just keep believing that none exists?

« Last Edit: August 28, 2009, 05:10:15 pm by WatchMyTrace »
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