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VC's Laboratory 81111
« on: November 11, 2008, 11:33:11 am »

With weapon accuracy testing nearing completion, and the assistance of KM posting a list of the guns he wants to include with B3, I'm now preparing for some fire-rate testing and with that I can assemble the scripts and cut the beta testing brigade loose on those figures while I work out a plan to handle explosions.

Yo dev doodles: are we on rolling explosions or standard HL2 blasts?  Inquiring mines want to know.
Can you believe I didn't even have that pun planned?

One thing I can't promise ye publick is appropriate weapon loadouts.  Many will remember the weapon loadout disaster that was Beta 2; I haven't so much as looked at a GES loadout since and I specified the way to do it years ago so I feel no responsibility for it.

So, how about 'dem accuracy tests from thread previous?  The worst projected accuracy for a raingun weapon (Bishop, AuG, and CMag are railguns in Goldeneye) was 0.01905 degrees, which is about one inch per football field.  That should be plenty-good for FPS spammin'.

Yo dev doodles: do we have breathing-effect or should I add some spamcone to simulate it?

Going to work, moar giggles tonight.
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Re: VC's Laboratory 81111
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2008, 01:33:34 pm »



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Re: VC's Laboratory 81111
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2008, 02:06:59 pm »

81337 is the sound 313c7r1c 5h33p make.
"As for VC's scripts they have not broken the game at all, in fact the game has never felt better." -- KM
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Re: VC's Laboratory 81111
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2008, 10:59:51 pm »

... VC come to the play tests every once in a while...

The guns that are bieng released are in another thread KM already made.

rolling explosions is not going to be in B3 ( READ THE BETA3 HITLIST)

The weapon loadouts are fine

And the accurity/breathing is your only job

Complete: Ge_Runway (now under care of CC Saint); Ge_Caverns // W.I.P.:Ge_Streets; Ge_Depot; Ge_Train;


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Re: VC's Laboratory 81111
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2008, 11:19:04 pm »

I intend to when I get the scripts up.  As you know I've been having fun with SVN and with coding hacking tools.

Breathing effect is coding, which is why I need to know if its in and if we want to loosen guns to stand-in for the drift.
"As for VC's scripts they have not broken the game at all, in fact the game has never felt better." -- KM
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Re: VC's Laboratory 81111
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2008, 05:13:39 am »

Just use a spam cone for now, I don't think I can make an effective breath effect for this release.

And weapon loadouts are beautiful... please inquire with me before making crazy assumptions


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Re: VC's Laboratory 81111
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2008, 09:10:41 pm »

Just use a spam cone for now, I don't think I can make an effective breath effect for this release.

And weapon loadouts are beautiful... please inquire with me before making crazy assumptions

Yeah VC you crazy man you :/


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Re: VC's Laboratory 81111
« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2008, 09:49:25 pm »

I have most of the accuracy data I need so I'm making scripts today/tonight.  Damage will be traditional but not exact if there are any irregularities in the system that I don't know about; I'll test that this weekend-ish.

I don't see a script for D5K's Silenced form.
"As for VC's scripts they have not broken the game at all, in fact the game has never felt better." -- KM
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Re: VC's Laboratory 81111
« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2008, 11:26:20 pm »

Just use a spam cone for now, I don't think I can make an effective breath effect for this release.

And weapon loadouts are beautiful... please inquire with me before making crazy assumptions

Why can't you make a breathing sound for this release. It isn't like we are all going to get angry if we wait a little more for it. I would love it if you guys just fit more new guns in and also added in the little things then to just release it and have to wait for more patches....:)

Brings back memories, doesn't it? :D


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Re: VC's Laboratory 81111
« Reply #9 on: November 13, 2008, 12:58:29 am »

Breathing is actually a little tricky; I might code it up this weekend-ish.

Edit: I'm feeling procrastinaty on important things I should be doing, so I coded up a demo.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2008, 02:09:32 am by Viashino Cutthroat »
"As for VC's scripts they have not broken the game at all, in fact the game has never felt better." -- KM
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Re: VC's Laboratory 81111
« Reply #10 on: November 13, 2008, 05:03:34 am »

Demo coded, submitted, and -X * -X equals -X² whenever I want it to.

Years after asking for it, we still don't have paired spread factors for first and later bullets.  So yeah; guns are going to be somewhat spammy until that is added.  Also, I needs some rof/c_rof functionality on Bishop and Shotguns.  It's not just for pistols, dammit.

Half of the scripts are written, I finish them tomorrow night.
"As for VC's scripts they have not broken the game at all, in fact the game has never felt better." -- KM
"(03:12:41 PM) KM: I would call you a no life loser, but you are useful"
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Re: VC's Laboratory 81111
« Reply #11 on: November 13, 2008, 05:44:42 am »

c_rof and rof is active on all weapons, even shotguns, wtf is a Bishop... but anyway, there is also a crude method of altering successive bullet's accuracy cones in effect as well from the OB code. Finalize your work and then it will be put into GES


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Re: VC's Laboratory 81111
« Reply #12 on: November 13, 2008, 05:50:26 am »

I'll doublecheck rof/c_rof tomorrow.

Bishop is the Sniper Rifle; there was discussion about naming a gun after Nick, similar to Klobb, and since we radically changed the Sniper Rifle's design, there was a motion to christen it the Bishop Sniper Rifle.  I still use the term but everyone else probably has forgotten by now.

How crude? If it's less crude than the bullshit I've been suck with -- using the recoil figures to try to emulate added spread -- I probably won't mind much.
"As for VC's scripts they have not broken the game at all, in fact the game has never felt better." -- KM
"(03:12:41 PM) KM: I would call you a no life loser, but you are useful"
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Re: VC's Laboratory 81111
« Reply #13 on: November 13, 2008, 07:33:08 am »

Crude as in this:

Code: [Select]
// Check our penalty time decay
if ( ( ( pOwner->m_nButtons & IN_ATTACK ) == false ) && ( m_flSoonestPrimaryAttack < gpGlobals->curtime ) )
m_flAccuracyPenalty -= gpGlobals->frametime;
m_flAccuracyPenalty = clamp( m_flAccuracyPenalty, 0.0f, PISTOL_ACCURACY_MAXIMUM_PENALTY_TIME );


virtual const Vector& GetBulletSpread( void )
static Vector cone;

float ramp = RemapValClamped( m_flAccuracyPenalty,
1.0f );

// We lerp from very accurate to inaccurate over time

return cone;


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Re: VC's Laboratory 81111
« Reply #14 on: November 13, 2008, 09:44:04 am »

I don't know any of the structures or functions associated with Source games; but I'm inferring it's a linear slider. You fire, the cone jumps to a max value and then shrinks down linearly over t seconds.

If so that's plenty.  I shouldn't even need access to that t in the script.
"As for VC's scripts they have not broken the game at all, in fact the game has never felt better." -- KM
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Re: VC's Laboratory 81111
« Reply #15 on: November 13, 2008, 01:06:40 pm »

Bishop ? Sorry i do understand the sentimental reason behind the name but the name bishop and sex toy seem to go in hand. Maybe its just me but i can see it know. ~ UnknownPain killed by bishop. Don't dig that at all.


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Re: VC's Laboratory 81111
« Reply #16 on: November 13, 2008, 08:03:43 pm »

Bishop ? Sorry i do understand the sentimental reason behind the name but the name bishop and sex toy seem to go in hand. Maybe its just me but i can see it know. ~ UnknownPain killed by bishop. Don't dig that at all.

....o......k. That makes no sense at all. At least not to me.

I don't see what's wrong with the Name. Hmm... "Bishop SR-A1"... Sounds good. IIRC, 007: The World is Not Enough for the N64 or Nightfire for the GameCube referred to a weapon as "Bishop". And I don't see anyone here referring to sex toys here, other than yourself, so unless a lot of people have perverted minds on a every-millisecond basis, I don't see the problem.

Check out [SM]'s HL2: Deathmatch Server! I've worked hard on making it the best it can be.


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Re: VC's Laboratory 81111
« Reply #17 on: November 13, 2008, 08:07:49 pm »

"sex toy seem to go in hand."   Unknown just TMI'd all over the place. :D

"As for VC's scripts they have not broken the game at all, in fact the game has never felt better." -- KM
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Re: VC's Laboratory 81111
« Reply #18 on: November 13, 2008, 08:53:57 pm »

I don't know any of the structures or functions associated with Source games; but I'm inferring it's a linear slider. You fire, the cone jumps to a max value and then shrinks down linearly over t seconds.

If so that's plenty.  I shouldn't even need access to that t in the script.

You are right is a linear ramp UP, but its a discontinuity down (set to zero after a timeframe expires) which is fine because that means you stopped firing and you start from no loss again.


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Re: VC's Laboratory 81111
« Reply #19 on: November 13, 2008, 10:32:40 pm »

That sounds sufficient for my needs. I haven't done super-cereal testing on the ups and downs but there is a clear distinction between tapping single bullets and holding the trigger on half of the arsenel.  A short attack ramp (around two or three ROF periods) and some way to prevent the reset until the trigger is released and a cool-down period elapses should cover the bases.
"As for VC's scripts they have not broken the game at all, in fact the game has never felt better." -- KM
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Re: VC's Laboratory 81111
« Reply #20 on: November 18, 2008, 07:51:56 pm »

Small news brief:

We're trying to deal with the way the acuraccy degrades on most Goldeneye weapons as you fire rapidly.  KM suggested recycling an Orange Box function, but I tried it out and it stinks terribly.  I've psudeocoded a suggestion that should be much truer to Goldeneye and not screw up (after all, I code better than Valve codes :D), but KM is occupied and may not have time to look into it until Wednesday night, and I'm booked pretty tightly on Thursday, so I may not get back into scripting until Friday.
"As for VC's scripts they have not broken the game at all, in fact the game has never felt better." -- KM
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Re: VC's Laboratory 81111
« Reply #21 on: November 19, 2008, 11:38:12 pm »

When mouse1 is put down you changed a clientside variable to true and set the [insert time frames used in source engine here] time, then in the game loop you checked every time to see if it's still true, and hasn't changed since last time (just incase someone has REALLY quick hands / lag) then you multiply the value by 1.05/1.07. This way as you hold it down for longer the accuracy degrades. The factor of multiplication may need to be different for every

Of course this should take into account all the other factors that is currently in place, but just a basic idea.

This should decrease accurace more and more as you hold it down. If the game loop is not scaled to be accurate for all clients, implement it into the same section as movement so it behaves the same on clients with more/less powerful processors


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Re: VC's Laboratory 81111
« Reply #22 on: November 20, 2008, 02:19:34 am »

KM has entered the code as I coded it and it works wonderfully.
"As for VC's scripts they have not broken the game at all, in fact the game has never felt better." -- KM
"(03:12:41 PM) KM: I would call you a no life loser, but you are useful"
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