With weapon accuracy testing nearing completion, and the assistance of KM posting a list of the guns he wants to include with B3, I'm now preparing for some fire-rate testing and with that I can assemble the scripts and cut the beta testing brigade loose on those figures while I work out a plan to handle explosions.
Yo dev doodles: are we on rolling explosions or standard HL2 blasts? Inquiring mines want to know.
Can you believe I didn't even have that pun planned?
One thing I can't promise ye publick is appropriate weapon loadouts. Many will remember the weapon loadout disaster that was Beta 2; I haven't so much as looked at a GES loadout since and I specified the way to do it years ago so I feel no responsibility for it.
So, how about 'dem accuracy tests from thread previous? The worst projected accuracy for a raingun weapon (Bishop, AuG, and CMag are railguns in Goldeneye) was 0.01905 degrees, which is about one inch per football field. That should be plenty-good for FPS spammin'.
Yo dev doodles: do we have breathing-effect or should I add some spamcone to simulate it?
Going to work, moar giggles tonight.