Hey guys,
Sorry for the lack of blogs, been swamped with laziness. No, seriously, been a bit busy. Just so you guys know, we are still working hard, and our sweatshop ran by little Korean boys is trucking! Here is a little summary of the stuff in the code department that was recently worked on.
HUD Elements
A lot of the classic feel has to do with HUD elements, believe it or not. Just seeing the health bar that we know and love can put a smile on your face. Right now there is two more things on the checklist in terms of HUD: ammunition indication and weapon selection menus. The ammunition indicator is extremely straight-forward, and should not be too difficult to recreate considering the
simlicity of the original. As for weapon selection, I am stuck as far as design goes. I think we have a general idea of how we want to represent a selection menu, but I am not incredibly sure if we have a finalized decision. *cough* Suggestions? *cough*

Gamemodes / LUA
Killer Monkey has been pretty much raping LUA like it was a baby. I love the internet, its even politically correct here! Basically the idea is simple. LUA files define each gamemode, and in LUA you have the LUA library functions, as well as tons of functions exposed to modify player and game properties. An example would be if you wanted to print to the server console you would just do:
local x = 7;
Msg("Can I has the value of x: %d",x);
Keep in mind I do not work with LUA too much, but the outcome of that statement would be:
Can I has the value of x: 7
Yeah, good shit. You can script on top of the game to make GES more entertaining for the end-user without having a bunch of knowledge of memory and all that other good stuff.
Mario is working very hard to recreate the weapons to be as accurate to the original as possible, as well as designing ways for us to dual with ease. I can not say very much about this as I know it is in its early stages, but if I know Mario, I know that this will be done correctly and should bring back the Goldeneye that we came to love as young peoples.
Thanks for reading.
Your coder,
Anthony Iacono