It seems subscription is the next big thing the companies try out.
I don't like it.
Even less considdering that UDK and previous Cryengine SDK were free
and only had their royalty if you're making money with selling a game based on it.
Now you have to pay $20/month to stay up-to-date with UE4, $10/month for CryEngine SDK and don't forget Adobe CC stuff.
While it doesn't look to expensive at first, you will pay $120 a year just for beeing able to use the SDK (240+Royalty for UE4).
Ok, you have full Source code access and for Studios that actually produce games with them it might be worth it.
But all the ppl that only use the engines for educational purpose and hobby have a huge disadvantage.
Beside that, i don't see a possibility to channel the subscription on the Steam version of CE.
I know it's possible with UE4 to do that, so in case you don't need an update it would cost $20 at best.
Ofc. they will make you want to buy updates on a regular base since the current versions of both UE4 and CE SDK have bugs and missing features.
Oh... ofc. if you're working with a team, every member has to pay the $20/month.
IMO they (Epic and Crytek) should offer a free version and charge you only when publishing commercial stuff.