This week we have a top-notch playermodel by Konrad Beerbaum, Mayday. While she wasn't in the Goldeneye 64 single player, Mayday stood out as a reputable character for multiplayer, as she was one of the original choices without the extra characters unlockable. Looks like Konrad took his own unique and artful approach to modeling and texturing the character, as she doesn't bear an exact replica of her character in the bond film, View to a Kill, or her Goldeneye 64 representation, but that and a wonderful texturing job sets the bar as another huge innovation to add to the list of playermodels you can choose from in Goldeneye Source.

The Mayday playermodel

Mayday up close, with a view to a kill
Coming up next week - only Jaws (and soon after, James Bond) was badass enough to carry two of these.