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Author Topic: I like this myway/highway stuff.  (Read 13358 times)

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I like this myway/highway stuff.
« on: July 30, 2011, 01:26:22 pm »

I don't get why I can't discuss how i feel about this game.

When I discussed the mechanics of the game it makes me mad that you guys think i'm the ONLY person in your game that dislikes some of the mechanics. Why don't you make a poll to your player base and see how many dislike it?

Maybe the mechanics are behind the reason theres only 3-5 servers with 1-10 players every 12 hours.


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Re: I like this myway/highway stuff.
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2011, 01:36:08 pm »

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Re: I like this myway/highway stuff.
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2011, 02:11:30 pm »

Why of course you can DISCUSS. But last time I checked discussing didn't mean "I tell you what I personally want and you'll change everything you've ever done until I'm satisfied" - unless you're a woman of course. :p


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Re: I like this myway/highway stuff.
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2011, 03:13:33 pm »

I can't wait until you "design" your own game and your BOSS or PROJECT MANAGER tells you to do it the way he wants.

Will you complain then? No, you'll get fired.

Get used to it.

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Re: I like this myway/highway stuff.
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2011, 03:27:58 pm »

Yeah, discussing is one thing. Telling the devs to remove one of the key features is a different story there. I'll be honest, it was a good read. Most of the time, people just bitch about the hit detection and are all "I SAW SPATTER WTF IS GOING ON?!?!". That invulnerability is what makes this game stand out a bit more in the seas of shooters these days.

There's many reasons why there's a lot of empty servers, not because of one mechanic of the game which most of the players are familiar with to some degree. People are out doing things. It's summer. There's also because we're in between updates at the moment. When 4.2 comes out, there will be a nice increase in players.
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Re: I like this myway/highway stuff.
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2011, 04:31:59 pm »

You don't like invulnerability, we're aware of this and are constantly tweaking it as we move along in development. Don't expect it to be removed in some drastic overhaul. Crosshair aiming isn't up for discussions, and iron sights is not going to happen. What else would you like to discuss?

Rodney 1.666

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Re: I like this myway/highway stuff. / woot 1024 posts
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2011, 12:38:11 am »

"I like this myway/highway stuff."

Me too. Can you knock it off?
The most important parts of why the invulnerability works were explained in the first few posts of the last thread, and from what I read you either tl;dr'd or totally ignored it because you failed to address it.
Your idea that conforming with the rest of the shovelware will bring us players is moot because being like everyone else is not the mission.

You're entitled to your own opinion, but no one is entitled to their own facts and the fact is the invuln is one of the things that makes GE GE, it's there for a reason, it's never going away, and being born in '97 doesn't make it automatically inferior to today's "standards".

Imma go play some Nintendo.

~Edit for grammar nazi.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2011, 04:17:38 am by Rodney 1.666 »
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Re: I like this myway/highway stuff.
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2011, 03:01:53 am »

Why of course you can DISCUSS. But last time I checked discussing didn't mean "I tell you what I personally want and you'll change everything you've ever done until I'm satisfied" - unless you're a woman of course. :p
I didn't demand it be removed. I pointed out all the reasons it should be.

I can't wait until you "design" your own game and your BOSS or PROJECT MANAGER tells you to do it the way he wants.

Will you complain then? No, you'll get fired.
Completely different.

That invulnerability is what makes this game stand out a bit more in the seas of shooters these days.
Your right, but not because of how amazing it is.

There's many reasons why there's a lot of empty servers, not because of one mechanic of the game which most of the players are familiar with to some degree. People are out doing things. It's summer.
Go check the servers of any Valve shooter, they'res like 50 thousand people online.

Crosshair aiming isn't up for discussions, and iron sights is not going to happen. What else would you like to discuss?
The point of iron sighting is so you can get an accurate shot off by giving up Field of Vision for increased accuracy. Crosshairs sighting is... increased accuracy at the cost of a loss in speed, they're the same thing just one looks different than the other.

The most important parts of why the invulnerability works was explained in the first few posts of the last thread, and from what I read you either tl;dr'd or totally ignored it because you failed to address it.
Your idea that conforming with the rest of the shovelware will bring us players is moot because being like everyone else is not the mission.
Invuln system wasn't explained on any level of depth at all. The explanation was basically "It was too hard/easy for people to get kills and too easy die. It was also in GE:64."
As for conforming, I have no idea what your saying. You either tl;dr'd or totally ignored what I've been saying this whole time. I used CS and COD and all the other modern FPS games as examples. My goal was to see if the devs have thought about updating GE:Source to be more modern, that doesn't mean to conform to other FPS standards. Why not just take what COD and CS and all the modern FPS titles and reinvent the wheel? Create something new and unique, but still try and keep that Goldeneye 64 flare that we all love. Incorporate the good of GE:64 and remove the bad.

All I'm saying is that there are a billion different ways to approach removing the invuln system and creating a new system that works better. 

Most of the arguments have been, "headshots are too easy" or "People die to fast" and "People just grab KF7 and faceroll". Since you're aware of these problems you could try and solve them by "Make the hit box for headshots a bit smaller" or "Reduce bullet damage/Increase health."
If you remove invuln and increase the HP of players/lower weapon damage then players will be rewarded for skill in accuracy without feeling like some skilless newbie is getting lucky shots off on them.


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Re: I like this myway/highway stuff.
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2011, 03:13:36 am »

Since you're aware of these problems you could try and solve them by "Make the hit box for headshots a bit smaller" or "Reduce bullet damage/Increase health."

Just making a quick point here:
Hitboxes don't need to be any smaller than they already are.

Source : KillerMonkey


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Re: I like this myway/highway stuff.
« Reply #9 on: July 31, 2011, 03:28:04 am »

Summarised objective answer:
You've been told in advance core mechanics won't change, since this shall  be a faithful recreation of GE 64, not your CoD with Bond skins or yet another shooter. The only thing changed are graphics, additional gameplay modes and having bots (someday). If you want to play CoD with Bond skins you're lucky, it's coming to Xbox 360 and PS3 as well if you don't own a Wii.
As you weren't aware of the invulnerability system, you probably just rented the original game for half a day, if you ever played it at all.
Valve is a company, promoting their games as well as retail selling them and having several paid dev teams, so please, if you want to compare GE: S with something else choose another Source mod. If you want to be more accurate choose one that isn't even listed on Steam.

Summarised rational answer:
Please troll somewhere else. Opening one thread after another (now there's 3 already!) whining because you can't have it your way isn't helping anyone.
Someone close this shit already, please.


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Re: I like this myway/highway stuff.
« Reply #10 on: July 31, 2011, 03:59:34 am »

Just making a quick point here:
Hitboxes don't need to be any smaller than they already are.

Source : KillerMonkey
I only mentioned it because people were complaining about getting headshots was too easy and killing was too easy. As for the pictures compared to TF2 that doesn't make any sense because in TF2 theres only a few guns that score headshots and on top of that you have people moving a lot faster, scout can double jump, that sort of thing. There also isn't any crosshair/iron siting except with sniper rifle.

Summarised objective answer:
You've been told in advance core mechanics won't change, since this shall  be a faithful recreation of GE 64, not your CoD with Bond skins or yet another shooter. The only thing changed are graphics, additional gameplay modes and having bots (someday). If you want to play CoD with Bond skins you're lucky, it's coming to Xbox 360 and PS3 as well if you don't own a Wii.
As you weren't aware of the invulnerability system, you probably just rented the original game for half a day, if you ever played it at all.
Valve is a company, promoting their games as well as retail selling them and having several paid dev teams, so please, if you want to compare GE: S with something else choose another Source mod. If you want to be more accurate choose one that isn't even listed on Steam.

Summarised rational answer:
Please troll somewhere else. Opening one thread after another (now there's 3 already!) whining because you can't have it your way isn't helping anyone.
Someone close this shit already, please.
If you have nothing constructive to say, please don't post.



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Re: I like this myway/highway stuff.
« Reply #11 on: July 31, 2011, 04:50:13 am »

I'm ignorant to your ignorance to their ignorance of our ignorance of ignorance.

I really appreciate the effort you are putting in, and I understand everything that is being said. Our mechanics are old and dated, and even for the time period the invun was different. There is just one problem with everything that has been said.

We have a set goal, and our goal is to recreate the GoldenEye 007 experience on a computer platform with the ability to play with a server full of people.

With that goal, we have the invun, classic maps, the kooky accuracy with certain weapons, etc. But we are also making changes to fit the new enviorment like layout changes on our Neo maps to help flow and access for more players, new game modes to keep the game fresh, and update the visuals to try and compete with modern games.

Now obviously we are not going to please everyone. What works for one might not work for some. The thing is with us, this is a labor of love (since there is no money factor), and I guess it might strike a nerve for some people when new players come in and complain about the mechanics or whatever, yet we are making this to fit the model we want.

If we were a team in it to make money, sure we would likely try to make it for a broder market, but we are doing just what we want, and our community enjoys that. Until we get something that brings alot more people (More maps, single player shown, etv), then we'll have to just deal with the current server sizes ;_;


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Re: I like this myway/highway stuff.
« Reply #12 on: July 31, 2011, 05:14:46 am »

I'm ignorant to your ignorance to their ignorance of our ignorance of ignorance.

I really appreciate the effort you are putting in, and I understand everything that is being said. Our mechanics are old and dated, and even for the time period the invun was different. There is just one problem with everything that has been said.

We have a set goal, and our goal is to recreate the GoldenEye 007 experience on a computer platform with the ability to play with a server full of people.

With that goal, we have the invun, classic maps, the kooky accuracy with certain weapons, etc. But we are also making changes to fit the new enviorment like layout changes on our Neo maps to help flow and access for more players, new game modes to keep the game fresh, and update the visuals to try and compete with modern games.

Now obviously we are not going to please everyone. What works for one might not work for some. The thing is with us, this is a labor of love (since there is no money factor), and I guess it might strike a nerve for some people when new players come in and complain about the mechanics or whatever, yet we are making this to fit the model we want.

If we were a team in it to make money, sure we would likely try to make it for a broder market, but we are doing just what we want, and our community enjoys that. Until we get something that brings alot more people (More maps, single player shown, etv), then we'll have to just deal with the current server sizes ;_;

Ah, that makes good sense. Excellent job, I appreciate the response and the manner presented. You were clear and made a good point. I hope you guys have a good time and see you in game.

Thank you all for your responses and the good times with our discussion.

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Re: I like this myway/highway stuff.
« Reply #13 on: July 31, 2011, 05:28:28 am »

I am going to copy this over, since this one of the many threads you have created.

Just go plug in the N64 and quit bitching, jesus fucking christ, there are now 3 threads over this issue.

KM and VC took their time to show you the mechanics of the game. Play it or leave it, we heard your opinion.

I am sorry that you, as such a professional game developer, that knows all, does not approve of a 1-for-1 model of the original game.

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Re: I like this myway/highway stuff.
« Reply #14 on: July 31, 2011, 05:54:55 am »


Yawn its 1:54 am here. I actually stay up till 8am this morning and helped a friend restoring his blackberry operating system alllll day, no sleep.

To the original poster, just deal with the changes. If you want it your way, then please make your own damn mod.
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