The developers doesn't know the problem of case sensitve paths/files. Under Linux you will get following errors in your console:
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GOLDENEYE/COMPLEX/BLACKMETAL.vmt)
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GOLDENEYE/COMPLEX/BLACKMETAL.vmt)
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GOLDENEYE/COMPLEX/COMPLEXWALL6.vmt)
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GOLDENEYE/COMPLEX/COMPLEXWALL6.vmt)
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GOLDENEYE/COMPLEX/COMPLEXWALL6.vmt)
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GOLDENEYE/COMPLEX/COMPLEXWALL6.vmt)
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GOLDENEYE/COMPLEX/COMPLEXWALL4.vmt)
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GOLDENEYE/COMPLEX/COMPLEXWALL4.vmt)
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GOLDENEYE/COMPLEX/COMPLEXWALL7.vmt)
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GOLDENEYE/COMPLEX/COMPLEXWALL7.vmt)
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GOLDENEYE/COMPLEX/COMPLEXWALL1,8,9AND10.vmt)
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GOLDENEYE/COMPLEX/COMPLEXWALL1,8,9AND10.vmt)
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GOLDENEYE/COMPLEX/COMPLEXWALL6.vmt)
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GOLDENEYE/COMPLEX/COMPLEXWALL6.vmt)
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GOLDENEYE/COMPLEX/COMPLEXWALL6.vmt)
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GOLDENEYE/COMPLEX/COMPLEXWALL6.vmt)
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GOLDENEYE/COMPLEX/COMPLEXWALL1,8,9AND10.vmt)
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GOLDENEYE/COMPLEX/COMPLEXWALL1,8,9AND10.vmt)
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GOLDENEYE/COMPLEX/COMPLEXWALL4.vmt)
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GOLDENEYE/COMPLEX/COMPLEXWALL4.vmt)
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GOLDENEYE/COMPLEX/COMPLEXWALL1,8,9AND10.vmt)
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GOLDENEYE/COMPLEX/COMPLEXWALL1,8,9AND10.vmt)
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GOLDENEYE/COMPLEX/COMPLEXWALL1,8,9AND10.vmt)
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GOLDENEYE/COMPLEX/COMPLEXWALL1,8,9AND10.vmt)
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GOLDENEYE/COMPLEX/COMPLEXWALL1,8,9AND10.vmt)
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GOLDENEYE/COMPLEX/COMPLEXWALL1,8,9AND10.vmt)
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GOLDENEYE/COMPLEX/COMPLEXWALL1,8,9AND10.vmt)
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GOLDENEYE/COMPLEX/COMPLEXWALL1,8,9AND10.vmt)
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GOLDENEYE/COMPLEX/COMPLEXWALL1,8,9AND10.vmt)
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GOLDENEYE/COMPLEX/COMPLEXWALL1,8,9AND10.vmt)
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GOLDENEYE/COMPLEX/COMPLEXWALL1,8,9AND10.vmt)
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GOLDENEYE/COMPLEX/COMPLEXWALL1,8,9AND10.vmt)
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GOLDENEYE/COMPLEX/COMPLEXWALL6.vmt)
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GOLDENEYE/COMPLEX/COMPLEXWALL6.vmt)
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GOLDENEYE/COMPLEX/COMPLEXWALL7.vmt)
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GOLDENEYE/COMPLEX/COMPLEXWALL7.vmt)
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GOLDENEYE/COMPLEX/COMPLEXWALL4.vmt)
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GOLDENEYE/COMPLEX/COMPLEXWALL4.vmt)
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GOLDENEYE/COMPLEX/COMPLEXWALL1,8,9AND10.vmt)
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GOLDENEYE/COMPLEX/COMPLEXWALL1,8,9AND10.vmt)
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GOLDENEYE/COMPLEX/COMPLEXWALL1,8,9AND10.vmt)
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GOLDENEYE/COMPLEX/COMPLEXWALL1,8,9AND10.vmt)
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GOLDENEYE/COMPLEX/COMPLEXWALL1,8,9AND10.vmt)
I've written a little script with a recursive function to create symlinks of the missing files to fix the messages. I don't know if the bug is affecting clients. I've tesed until yet only the dedicated server under Linux without connecting with a client.
The Shell-Script:
usage() {
echo "Creates recursivly upper typed symlinks from the directory orangebox/gesource/materials/Goldeneye"
echo "$0 ServerRootDirectory"
lower2upper() {
ln -s "$@" "`echo $@ | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z'`"
sym_upper() {
cd "$1"
ls | while read path; do
if (echo "$path" | grep -q [a-z]); then
lower2upper "$path"
[[ -d "$path" ]] && sym_upper "$path"
cd ..
if [ $# -eq 0 -o ! -d "$1/orangebox/gesource/materials/Goldeneye" ]; then usage; fi
echo "Changing dir to $1/orangebox/gesource/materials"
cd $1/orangebox/gesource/materials
echo "Create a symlink of Goldeneye"
ln -s Goldeneye GOLDENEYE
echo "Starting recursive function for creating symlinks"
sym_upper "$1/orangebox/gesource/materials/Goldeneye"
echo "Changing file extensions in $1/orangebox/gesource/materials/Goldeneye from .VMT to .vmt"
find "$1/orangebox/gesource/materials/Goldeneye" -name "*.VMT" | while read vmtfile; do mv "$vmtfile" "`echo "$vmtfile" | sed 's/.VMT$/.vmt/'`" &> /dev/null; done
echo "Done, pray that everything works"
When your server is in /home/someuser/anywhere, you have to call the script with the following argument:
./ ~someuser/anywhere
./ ~/publicserver/gesorce/
Changing dir to /home/server/publicserver/gesorce//orangebox/gesource/materials
Create a symlink of Goldeneye
Starting recursive function for creating symlinks
Changing file extensions in /home/server/publicserver/gesorce//orangebox/gesource/materials/Goldeneye from .VMT to .vmt
Done, pray that everything works
After the fix, the console doesn't show the pasted errors. I hope the developer will fix this soon. The problem is already known from the modification Synergy. There are all files required in lower case, but they are given with mixed upper and lower case. Creating symlinks for this is a simple fix to override this error. Someone gives a solution to mount the filesysem for the server as FAT32. But this requires root-privilegues and this is not the best fix to mount for everey server a filesystem with non case-sensitive. There are also missing the ACL for Linux.
PS: To run the server, you need libcurl3. Under Debian you can install the package with 'apt-get install libcurl3-gnutls'. apt-file rulez
![Happy :-)](