My buddy just told me about Goldeneye Source and I was so excited that I actually just purchased the Orange Box ( If you aren't familiar it is a pack of Half Life Games, TF2, and Portal ) so I could play. If this adaptation is good I would like to eventually have two PCs at my house with Goldeneye Source to play with a buddy. My question is, since the Orange Box includes more than one "Source" game can I install steam on the other computer and say let Goldeneye use the "Source" from half life on my pc and use "Source" from TF2 on the other? Or will this not work because they were purchased under the same steam account?
Do i need to create a second steam account and buy a Source game with it to run two copies of GoldenEye Source simultaneosly?
Sorry if this is confusing, I am unfamiliar with Steam and how your game piggybacks on the Source Engine.