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Author Topic: Weapons Feedback  (Read 19390 times)

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Weapons Feedback
« on: March 25, 2010, 09:23:45 pm »

I really enjoy the mod as it brings much of the original Goldeneye back to near perfection. However the game Goldeneye Was not perfect and I wished to see some upgrades tot he n64 version as well. 

First I would like to see the KF7 damage be increased. because like the ak47, the damage is greater than the m4 or AR but it is less accurate. Both weapons accuracies are fine and they both shoot great.

For all weapons, a head shot with or without armor should be an instant kill. The heads aren't really that easy to hit especially with rapid fire accuracy. The one that pulls that off the best is the p90. So when bullets hit the head its because of a chance or aimed skill.

Shotguns should be an instant kill if its a direct hit at close range on the head.  I hate shooting guys what seems 3 or 4 times in the face with the shotgun and they don't die. Armor doesn't really protect the head.  If there were more instant kill head shots, it would not be quite as like Golden eye for the N64 but i believe it would add more fairness in the skill it takes to defeat an opponent.

And the klobb... It was worthless int he original and Why make it worthless now?

Also the pump shotgun should have slightly more damage and slightly more range than the automatic shotgun. The shotgun shell uses its explosive power to propel the projectile down the barrel. An automatic uses some of that power to cycle a new round in the breach causing it to be slightly less powerful.

Also Hit registration seems to be a bit of a problem" On the Chicago server with good ping players get blood but no kill.

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Re: Weapons Feedback
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2010, 09:53:43 pm »

These won't be changing because all of our weapons are the exact same as the original game in every way.

Damage, Rate of Fire, Penetration, and other values all remain the exact same, with some tweaking on some of the weapons such as the Autoshotty and RCP-90 to keep them balanced.

A headshot does 50 damage (1/2 life at full health, 1/4 life with armor), and then there's the knockback + invulnerability period on the target that you've hit. This is a gameplay feature from GE64 brought to GES, making insta-kills impossible.

Hit registration is at its absolute finest right now. Players move more slightly more slowly than other games (7/8 the default speed), and many optimizations to Valve's existing code have been made to further enhance hit registration.
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Re: Weapons Feedback
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2010, 12:50:15 am »

Ohh what crushing news. Invincibility period.. Ahh I wondered why my shots weren't killing them... man. Disappointment. Its a shame that the features that shackled ge64 were transferred over to the remake.

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Re: Weapons Feedback
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2010, 01:14:24 am »

They didn't "shackle" GE64 whatsoever; these are balancing features that allow for fairer fights.

Say someones spraying at you with an RCP-90, and you have a significantly weaker weapon such as the PP7. The invulnerability period + pushback gives the PP7 user the ability to fight back without being hopelessly overpowered. Both weapons do 50 headshot damage, but the RCP-90 has extra spraying capability.

If it had detracted from the GE64 experience, it wouldn't have been added to GES.
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Re: Weapons Feedback
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2010, 01:33:32 am »

Thats why the pp7 1 headshot kill would work out well against the rcp. Say the rcp is spraying at you and you get a good headshot off. RPC > pp7 but if you are gonna try to fair it up then let the 1 shot kill be. Otherwise you are plugging into this rcp guy and hes not being damaged due to some "invincibility" time period.
         So you are giving the rcp the edge in the firefight with the temp invincibility after taking damage.
          As of right now its pretty difficult for one person to take down two people because of the mess. I guess that's the way the game was designed but it really feels like its shackling my game play experience and hindering my skill. Oh well still a good game.
         But I know a few other players who feel the same way and would actually rather have it set to more realistic damage. It gives the guns a beefier feel and overall better gaming experience if they don't feel like the guns they are using are weak or are being hindered in some way. whats the point of shooting at 30 shots / second when your opponent can only take damage every lets say 1 second?
        I mean who wants to get the jump on someone and shoot them 4 times with their kf7 only to lose because your bullets were going into their head but not at the time period that it was allowed to take damage. Causing massive missing and frustration. It makes the kf7 feel weak.


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Re: Weapons Feedback
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2010, 02:32:36 am »

What would be the point of having 27 unique weapons just to make them all fundamentally 'equal'? Every weapon in Goldeneye has its individual identity and purposes.

Goldeneye is all about choices and tactics at the end of the day. Don't whine about having to face players with more powerful weapons, you should be trying to get to those weapons first! That's where you're going wrong. Also, you don't seem to have grasped how balanced GE:S really is.

I recommend you play more, try to find your feet and understand better why the game is the way it is. The game isn't wrong, you're just not playing it right.

If you want realism then go look at all the other generic shooter games out there.
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Re: Weapons Feedback
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2010, 02:36:26 am »

Read, understand, and respect.

The discussion is over and it is not changing so you might as well stop making the arguments. Your implementation would completely RUIN the game. Don't trust me? You would if you were on the team when we actually did have realistic damage and shit that I implemented. VC came back and adjusted everything to GoldenEye spec and the game instantly became 100% better and it is entirely up to your skill to succeed. The weapons are merely your tools to dominate.

You are relying on your weapon way to much to be the skill.

COD and CSS have taught all gamers BAD BAD BAD GAMEPLAY. Real Life != Good Gameplay. I wish COD 7 would implement a system where if you die in the game it instantly crashes and will never start again. That's realistic.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2010, 02:38:15 am by killermonkey »


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Re: Weapons Feedback
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2010, 03:01:22 am »

How about making a game mode with those "realistic" weapon damage properties then? If we meet point blank around the corner and he has a rcp90 and I have a pp7, and I shoot him in the head as soon as hes open, before he realized I was there, Do i not deserve to kill him because a 9mm is sufficient enough for a fatal head shot?

How about if I fire 3 rounds into an enemy, do I not deserve all 3 rounds causing damage?


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Re: Weapons Feedback
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2010, 04:19:54 am »

HAHA good gaming with you tonight :-D


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Re: Weapons Feedback
« Reply #9 on: March 26, 2010, 06:38:24 am »

LOl @ Lead Dev without Rcon. KEKE GG... Imagine what id be like If I wasn't penalized by the damage system.


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Re: Weapons Feedback
« Reply #10 on: March 26, 2010, 07:24:01 am »

How about if I fire 3 rounds into an enemy, do I not deserve all 3 rounds causing damage?

Goldeneye64 is a GAME, and GE:S is a recreation of that GAME, which obviously both incarnations say you don't deserve it. You want "realism" join the army or play [enter generic everyday title here] and stop trying to troll our community.

It's one or the other. You either love ge64, or you don't? in which case if it's the latter you can by all means run along anytime you want, or reign in your narrow minded and incorrect viewpoint in order to harbor an enjoyment of our hard work :D


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Re: Weapons Feedback
« Reply #11 on: March 26, 2010, 12:35:22 pm »

Wake, it's ok. We had a fantastic fight last night in WnX servers and looking forward to more. He is by no means a troll and is actually quite skilled. It's ok, his mind will be broken soon :-D


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Re: Weapons Feedback
« Reply #12 on: March 27, 2010, 04:27:05 am »

I love Golden eye for n64... My same complaints about that game are the same in this game for the Computer.... Regardless I will still own you.


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Re: Weapons Feedback
« Reply #13 on: March 27, 2010, 12:55:16 pm »

This is a serious question, could you make the klobb stronger, because i feel that i have to put 3 clips into someone to kill them and sometimes even that fails and i hit them everytime and some how they shoot me once and they kill me.


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Re: Weapons Feedback
« Reply #14 on: March 27, 2010, 02:22:36 pm »

This is a serious question, could you make the klobb stronger, because i feel that i have to put 3 clips into someone to kill them and sometimes even that fails and i hit them everytime and some how they shoot me once and they kill me.

If I'm not mistaken, the Klobb has been buffed for Beta 4. It is still supposed to suck and make you use your hands instead of firing it, mind you.
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