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Author Topic: Weapon Accuracy / AIM Mode Improvements  (Read 41546 times)

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Re: Weapon Accuracy / AIM Mode Improvements
« Reply #15 on: February 10, 2010, 01:55:34 am »

Aiming with any weapons without using the AIM mode (shift) is 100% horrible. I was NOT be able to kill anyone without using the aim mode. Once I figured that out I was only shooting with that aim mode and quickly became the best player on the server.
The AIM mode makes it all a bit more tactical, but it's still a great disappointment that I cant hit anything at all without it.

WOW, are you serious buddy? Did you notice the tracers? That's how you aim. I don't find aiming to be difficult at all, I've been playing for quite a while now and I don't even notice that I don't have a crosshair, I just know exactly where to shoot for headshots, it's called PRACTICE. To say it's 100% horrible is just an ignorant statement, we don't want this game to be dumbed down so much that a dog could play it... we want a challenge. And if you ask me the lack of a crosshair is hardly a challenge at all... I also highly doubt you became the best player in the server once you started using the aiming crosshair...because most people would be picking you off easy if you're just standing still. Before you go and make such criticism you need to actually give the game a chance first and learn how to properly play it... THEN criticize it.
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Re: Weapon Accuracy / AIM Mode Improvements
« Reply #16 on: February 11, 2010, 09:03:45 pm »

As I said in my first post, the aiming is actually very very accurate.  Seriously, if you absolutely NEED something to guide off of, go grab a dry erase or some sort of light marker, go create a local game, use the cheat and impulse codes and cycle through weps and shot at the wall.  where ever most of the bullets end up, granted your shooting at the same spot, take that friggen marker and put a big marker dot on you computer monitor if your having that much trouble aiming. 


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Re: Weapon Accuracy / AIM Mode Improvements
« Reply #17 on: February 15, 2010, 09:15:12 pm »

Thanks for all the answers. Actually, I was just provoking a bit to see what you would say.
I'm not one of those CS kiddies, I actually played and enjoyed Goldeneye and Perfect Dark on N64 so much, that I was glad to finally see a decent mod! If I had time, I would probably jump on board and create some maps and models, but for now I will only contribute with PR on one of my websites (

I will continue to play the MOD and I like it that it's a bit more challenging, but the things I mentioned in my first post might be important if you want the mod to become more popular. I certainly don't like any mainstream games, but as a mod-developer I would care about it considering that it is vital for the success of a MOD. I don't say you have to introduce a crosshair or significantly change the weapon aiming, but I would consider some small changes to make it easier for beginners..

I'm a good player so you dont have to make it easier for me :P but for all the others james bond wannabies ;) 



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Re: Weapon Accuracy / AIM Mode Improvements
« Reply #18 on: February 16, 2010, 10:01:08 am »

In other news: 'gamers' are asking themselves where to find teh deagle frum CS. Critics claim that without it, the mod will never get popular enough to reach critical pop mass. Paris Hilton has already jumped into the discussion saying that shaving of hairy crosses is sooo 2008 and that the lack of crosshairs is "not so hot (TM)"

Now back to you xXx1337_pr0nM4st4h.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2010, 10:07:22 am by V!NCENT »


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Re: Weapon Accuracy / AIM Mode Improvements
« Reply #19 on: February 16, 2010, 02:43:14 pm »

Thanks for all the answers. Actually, I was just provoking a bit to see what you would say.
I'm not one of those CS kiddies, I actually played and enjoyed Goldeneye and Perfect Dark on N64 so much, that I was glad to finally see a decent mod! If I had time, I would probably jump on board and create some maps and models, but for now I will only contribute with PR on one of my websites (

I will continue to play the MOD and I like it that it's a bit more challenging, but the things I mentioned in my first post might be important if you want the mod to become more popular. I certainly don't like any mainstream games, but as a mod-developer I would care about it considering that it is vital for the success of a MOD. I don't say you have to introduce a crosshair or significantly change the weapon aiming, but I would consider some small changes to make it easier for beginners..

I'm a good player so you dont have to make it easier for me :P but for all the others james bond wannabies ;)

Live and Let Diet?  :P


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Re: Weapon Accuracy / AIM Mode Improvements
« Reply #20 on: February 16, 2010, 03:46:24 pm »

First off, thanks a lot for the promotion on your website even after we tore your post apart oliversk. However, I must comment on your end comment to your post....

I will continue to play the MOD and I like it that it's a bit more challenging, but the things I mentioned in my first post might be important if you want the mod to become more popular. I certainly don't like any mainstream games, but as a mod-developer I would care about it considering that it is vital for the success of a MOD. I don't say you have to introduce a crosshair or significantly change the weapon aiming, but I would consider some small changes to make it easier for beginners..

Much like why communism and socialism consistently fails in practice is because of one main reason. People want to be rewarded for their success. If you "level the playing field" for everyone to make it easier for beginners then there is no reward for when the player actually gains skill. The player will just get beat up by a beginner who spams their weapon or doesn't use cover effectively.

All of the gameplay elements in GoldenEye 64 exemplify a combination of skills that when brought together make you truely unstoppable. Was GE64 good to beginners? Ask my friends who played against me those sleepless nights back in the late nineties. The answer would be NO.

It's simple, really. If you suck, you strive to get better, strive to learn the game, then when you don't suck you bask in your glory (yet still can be defeated thanks to other players EARNING the skill). If a beginner does not want to learn and to grow in their skill I DO NOT WANT THEM PLAYING MY GAME. I want people who appreciate the subtleties, learn the mechanics, and really take the time to play. Anything less would make all my effort, and the effort of my team, a waste.

Therefore, you will NEVER see a leveling of the playing field, or a holding of a beginner's hand. They must do that for themselves; it is the nature of the beast. Any game that does level the playing field is destined to LONG TERM failure due to boredom and sometimes even anger. That is why GoldenEye 64 has truly passed the test of time.


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Re: Weapon Accuracy / AIM Mode Improvements
« Reply #21 on: February 16, 2010, 05:28:14 pm »

Much like why communism and socialism consistently fails in practice is because of one main reason. People want to be rewarded for their success.
While true, it's more like: people want to be more succesfull than others and people want to  get more by doing more.

Any game that does level the playing field is destined to LONG TERM failure due to boredom and sometimes even anger. That is why GoldenEye 64 has truly passed the test of time.
Of all the SP games of today that I finnish I get a 'meh... okey done that' feeling. With GoldenEye007 (and a lot other games in the Good Old Days (TM) of gaming that were still, you know, a challange) I experience frustration to no end sometimes but I keep comming back because I want to beat it. And when I beated a level, like second bunker on 00 agent, I get the feeling of "Fffffffffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck yeah! YES YES YES YES YES I fscking DID IT!  :D :D :D".

Now that is what makes games so much fun. That is also why leaderboards make MP game so much more worthwhile because you keep comming back so you can bee in the top 300, top 250, top 100, top 50, best player of your country, best player of the continent, best player on earth. It drives you to beat it.

Todays games are not realy about beating a game anymore. Todays games are all interactive B movie experiences that take time and not repeated effort to complete it and not realy beat anything...



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Re: Weapon Accuracy / AIM Mode Improvements
« Reply #22 on: February 16, 2010, 08:12:29 pm »

There's also the issue of feedback.  A game with a steep performance curve like Goldeneye means you really notice when you "get it".  You know immediately when you stop spamming PP7 and missing everything and start two-shotting with DD44.  Making things easier makes the curve more shallow, and makes it very difficult to perceive when/if you are improving, and allows you to slack invisibly.

Besides, someone has to provide the Nintendo-Hard for the 1337 p14x0r5 2 pwnz0r in.
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Re: Weapon Accuracy / AIM Mode Improvements
« Reply #23 on: February 19, 2010, 06:04:49 am »

First off, Vince, that video, wow...I rolled around on the floor laughing and had to have a friend call paramedics I was laughing so hard.  Sadly, the whole thing is True, dreaded or not, as well as an FPS fan I'm also an MMORPG fan, yes that means WoW.  If there is any game that gives proof to that theory, it's deffinatley WoW.  Original release, it was hard as Hades to get anything, now it's just kinda given to people once they level cap.  Same thing with FPS games.  I mean, sure I get pissed off as hell trying to kill someone on normal in this game, but ya know what?  It's supposed to be that way.  What kind of game would it be if they gave me a radar, auto-aim and guns that are one shot kills, actually now that I think about it, they have given that to CoD:MW...which I found absolutely annoying at the thirty rounds per second flying at my head and watching people empty whole clips hitting everything around me but me, but get's that one lucky bullet to the chest that kills me.

GE:S when it comes to accuracy could actually REDUCE it's accuracy on some guns a little they're so perfect.  That's my overall statement.  I mean, you aim that sweet spot of your screen on someone's head, your gonna hit em in the head.  There's little room for error, unless your using everyone's favorite gun...*cough*Klobb*cough*


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Re: Weapon Accuracy / AIM Mode Improvements
« Reply #24 on: February 20, 2010, 12:36:56 am »

After playing various beta version the system is as good as it can using the source engine. Now if admins turn off cl_interp_ratio 2 and leave it at 1 I be happy but people need their handicaps one way or another.

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Re: Weapon Accuracy / AIM Mode Improvements
« Reply #25 on: February 20, 2010, 11:28:12 pm »

watch a beginner in CSS, or MW2 and see how friendly it is to the common noob.

your initial criticism were a bit silly, thats like complaining that the iron siting in mw2 sucks cause its not like CSS, and you cant kill anything unless you iron site.... kinda silly. in GES our game mechanic functions REALLY similarly to MW2 in that its easier to aim, it slows your movement, and you get a accurate cross hair.
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Re: Weapon Accuracy / AIM Mode Improvements
« Reply #26 on: February 20, 2010, 11:43:31 pm »

To be fair the tracers are not all that noticable in a bright coloured environment and i wouldnt say GES has a steep learining curve.
I jsut wish that server ops woudl allow us to use a higher rate than 30000 it gets pretty chokey in a full server of 16 players.
I would rather aim mode be on +attack2 the same with remote mine detonation but i have come to realise thats not going to happen.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2010, 11:48:21 pm by keefy »


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Re: Weapon Accuracy / AIM Mode Improvements
« Reply #27 on: February 26, 2010, 12:00:48 pm »

Hi there...

I totally agree with "oliversk" !!

Now i played for a couple of hours (your beta 4)...and i also think, the most important thing to bind players on GE:Source is, to improve the "aiming" and "hitboxes"!! Both should be the most important thing in future development!! Its more important than adding maps or models!
I also think, that the HP-Points have to be decreased a bit...

Shooting at an enemy for 10min until he goes down is more than disappointing!
Damn, it is just LUCK hitting the head...and this is not because of my low skill in this mod!
I dont know, wheater it is because of the "low" rates (55/55) of the running servers or of some other reason.

Playing on N64 was a bit of another gameplay-feeling than playing GE:S!!

And i mean the "gameplay" and "aiming/hitboxes" only have to be fixed...the atmosphere is great.
Sounds and music i great too...and the maps are looking damn better than maps in css or other mods!
The explosions are cracking a little bit like they were overpowered in loudness but this could be an issue of my soundcard...dont know.

And if you guys are so perfectionistic in bring Goldeneye64 to PC: "The KF7 Soviet had a 3-shot burst mode"! :D

Keep improving these gamplay issues and i think GE:S will be a great mod and will get a big player community!

Writing from Germany, sorry 4 my bad english:D i hope it's possible to understand what i just wrote :D:D




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Re: Weapon Accuracy / AIM Mode Improvements
« Reply #28 on: February 26, 2010, 12:12:29 pm »

The only time I've ever really noticed hitbox problems is with the Golden Gun and well I'm gonna chalk that one to Source.

A GE player that has played for more then a week, wont need more then 10 shots to kill someone. Give any regular GE player a PP7/DD44 and almost a guarantee he'll beat a first time with a AR33... GE has a learning curve, and dumbing down the game to make a first time player and a 5 year player equal would ruin everything we strive for.

"You can take a n00b to water but you can't make a n00b drink..."
« Last Edit: February 26, 2010, 10:05:21 pm by major »
All view points are of my own and not associated with the team.


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Re: Weapon Accuracy / AIM Mode Improvements
« Reply #29 on: February 26, 2010, 02:54:41 pm »

And if you guys are so perfectionistic in bring Goldeneye64 to PC: "The KF7 Soviet had a 3-shot burst mode"! :D

This gave you away as someone who DOES NOT PAY ATTENTION or just doesn't want to pay attention because the KF7 already has three-round burst (when unsighted).

Thanks for the comments though.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2010, 03:34:09 pm by killermonkey »
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