Well i left Perth at 3am and just arrived in San Fran at midday (3am Perth time) so thats 24 hours awake so far but i need to make it to midnight before i can go to bed (other wise sleeping will be fucked up). At the moment im about to go get lunch and a couple of cans of red bull to help out.
Sitting on your ass for 13 hours suxs and the having the guy in front crush your knees is worse. Im glad thats over for now.
The hotel room is smaller than expected but i have my mess of cables and computer things set up and have wifi access witch im sharing with scott (moddb end boss) and ryan (moddb editor) over me airport express.
Sydney from the confines of the airport
Boss working between flights fixing bugs on moddb
San Fran from the 747
View from the hotel
My laptop mess
The small hotel room