Actually this is the first time a valve update has broken our
OrangeBox version from being at least playable for all players. There has always been little server browser bugs the testers endured from time to time, but never substantial so that we wouldnt release 3.0 on time. I still think some people here dont know the facts and thus arent in the position to say we should or shouldnt be releasing.
Our patch is basically ready but we have not tested it at length in this recent update. So we will take at least a week at *postpone* status since an issue may still exist, and we feel its negative to our mod to do otherwise than our decision, and its not in need of debate
This in no way is our fault but if we release prematurely we then take on some responsibility and if servers are confusing for people to navigate they will then blame us not valve ; since the majority wont check our forums/site, just leaving our playerbase without investigation. We dont want that. We like smooth conditions for our fans, not workarounds, and its actually up to valve to provide mods with that evironment of ease.