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Russian Translation
« on: February 13, 2009, 08:19:44 pm »

Some of the levels have very weird or simply babelfish russian. Where do I send fixes?


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Re: Russian Translation
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2009, 08:20:12 pm »

gotta give detail man

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Re: Russian Translation
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2009, 08:25:42 pm »

One examples would be Facility level where there is an attempt to write "Entrance" or "ВХОД" but it is written
"ВХОN". There is no "N" in the russian alphabet. Another example would be the billboard with "ЭТО" instead of the correct "ЭТИ". I do have to say the original n64 GE just dumped random russian (and made-up) characters together and called them words. There is a long list I can make if you wish.

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Re: Russian Translation
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2009, 11:13:36 pm »

If you want to make a Russian translation for golden eye source goto the gesource/resource folder and copy gesource_english.txt to gesource_russian.txt and change all the translations in there. Post it here or email it to me and ill include it in the next release


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Re: Russian Translation
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2009, 11:32:17 pm »

I think he is talking about the Russian signs in the Facility level it's self.

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Re: Russian Translation
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2009, 11:57:55 pm »



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Re: Russian Translation
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2009, 12:16:18 pm »

Please god noooo!!!! We ain't got russian characters in the font's.
At least in adventure subtitles, for DS Moster i'm not sure if they are correct.
Anyway in case of a 'real' russian translation they have to be added and as far as i know, it's a completly different set of characters. So 20-30 new letters?
This would require at least a lot of font editing so it should be saved for some time after 3.1 patch.
Next issue, there are a lot of words which are much longer in russian then in english or even need several words to translate the meaning of it.
Well, if you wanna go for it karjala, do so and tell us about problems you run into, like missing characters and stuff like this.

(now i only hope there will be no chinese or japanese ppl making a translation)

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Re: Russian Translation
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2009, 12:58:27 pm »

haha this actually is exciting that we have some real russian
maps in production: ge_temple maps released: ge_caves, ge_complex, ge_complex_classic
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Re: Russian Translation
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2009, 07:09:51 pm »

If you want to PM me, I'm working on some signs for another level (can't say anything for the old ones) but they might be in Russian as well and I'd feel much better about them if it wasn't just gibberish and had some actual translation.


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Re: Russian Translation
« Reply #9 on: February 23, 2009, 05:43:31 am »

Finally getting back to thread and pasting translations of the signs I find. Instead of doing direct English-Russian translations I decided to go for what actual Russian signs would say otherwise the direct translations sound quite silly in Russian. Needless to say, if any other natives (I am from St.petersburg and I really do have a former KGB/Army depot one block away from my house) have better translations please feel free to critique.

Update: 2/23

Regarding Banko in Goldeneye 64. You need to realize most of the Russian in the original game was gibberish. Not just a combination of random Russian letters but also made up Russian letters. Banko is nonsense unfortunately. There are however, many options. For example ...

1. "Weapons" - "Oружие"
2. "Ammunition" - "Боеприпасы"
3. "Documents" - "Документы"

1. "No Admittance authorized personnel only" - "Посторонним вход воспрещён"
2. Crates with "BANKO" written on them - I have no idea what that is? Modder nickname? I need to have more info
3. Some Russian newspapers are from pre-soviet, and some are post-soviet. Also HL2 'earth surrenders' newspapers? :)
4. "Storage" sign - "Cклад"
5. I have no idea what the yellow text says on the black reinforced doors in this level. It is not Russian. Any clues?

GE_BasementClassic (Found no signs)

GE_Caves (Non Russian Locale - Skipped)

GE_Complex (Non Russian Locale - Skipped)

GE_ComplexClassic (Non Russian Locale - Skipped)

GE_Control (Non Russian Locale - Skipped)

GE_Cradle (Non Russian Locale - Skipped)

GE_Egyptian (Non Russi... well DUH! It says Egypt)

GE_Facility (Many signs are correct but...)
1. Billboard with Russian text "Ето строки ис текстa не имеет смысла" which rougly babelfishes to "these lines make no sense". Change this to "Все эти строки безсмысленные" (multiple times)

2. Inside Cafeteria both underlined words on the far wall are synonyms. Just remove one of them (I suggest the one on the right - Cклад)

3. Once again crates with "Banko" ?

4. Near the Guard house and above the No Entrance symbol change the "Необходим доступ 2 уровня" to
"Необходим пропуск 2 уровня". I assume you meant "Level 2 pass (as in keycard) required" instead of "Level 2 entrance required" (Multiple places)

5. Remove "Рукоятка" from the Guard house console. Almost nowhere would the word Рукоятка be used on consoles in the Russian army. Replace with "Пункт".

6. On the wall near the console-activated door change "ремонтный" to  "ремонтная" or "Repair Room"

7. Between guard-acivated doors on the wall "выход"  instead of "вхоn" (there is no N in the Russian alphabet).

GE_LibraryClassic (No signs found)


1. "Danger - Explosive Materials" sign on some walls = "Oпасно для жизни - Взрывчатые вещества"

2. The top left console monitor which mentions copying of system files to "Копирование рабочих системных файлов"

3. The No input console (F) could be ignored if some equipment was american made :P

4. "Danger - High Voltage" Signs ---> "Oпасно для жизни - Высокое Hапряжение"

5. Once again Banko crates

6. Billboard from Facility ---> "Все эти строки безсмысленные"

7. "Caution - This Equipment Starts and Stops automatically" --> "Осторожно - Оборудование включается и останавливается автоматически."

8. Door Remote Console ---> "Пункт управлением двери" Open = "Открыть" Close = "Закрыть"

9. "Out of Order" sign ---> "Под Ремонтом" (rough translation with the same meaning)

10. "No Admittance authorized personnel only" - "Посторонним вход воспрещён"

11. The English "wet floor" yellow sign with a Spanish translation is hilarious in a Red Army base :) Maybe just remove it ? I assure you no one in the soviet army would even care if there is a spill. The logic being is that if you slip and fall, you are the idiot and should pay more attention. Also these signs are placed in american malls and businesses to prevent lawsuits and I assure you there was no such concept in the USSR.

12.  "Warning A1 Pass Only" ---> "Внимание! Предъявить пропуск А1."

13. "Loading Zone: Please do not block front of building" --> "Погрузочная. Не перекрыватъ!" Heh - I love the 'Please', you would never see that word in an army base.

GE_Stack (No Russian found)

GE_Temple (No Russian found)

« Last Edit: February 23, 2009, 05:08:03 pm by karjala »

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Re: Russian Translation
« Reply #10 on: February 23, 2009, 05:49:23 am »

Thanks for those suggestions and insight into russian. :)
/Sean "Baron" Stock

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Re: Russian Translation
« Reply #11 on: February 23, 2009, 07:38:27 am »

2. Crates with "BANKO" written on them - I have no idea what that is? Modder nickname? I need to have more info

Taken from ge64. If it says something else, let me know. Ballko?

btw, you have ge_control listed twice.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2009, 07:40:03 am by Mike [fourtecks] »
ge_facility, ge_facility_backzone, ge_control

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Re: Russian Translation
« Reply #12 on: February 23, 2009, 03:21:03 pm »

 BTW Can you contact me on AIM? I would like for you to contact me so we can create a new list decals and create new ones like "Caution Contents under pressure" for the game. much appriciated.

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Re: Russian Translation
« Reply #13 on: February 23, 2009, 04:51:50 pm »

The middle letter in the box actually looks like a д, which makes it вадко (vadko) - maybe the original team wanted it to say водка (Vodka) as a joke but got the letters mixed up?

(another option is валко (shakily) but that doesn't make much sense)
« Last Edit: February 23, 2009, 04:54:46 pm by marinedalek »


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Re: Russian Translation
« Reply #14 on: February 23, 2009, 05:29:14 pm »

водка (Vodka) as a joke but got the letters mixed up?

I'd bet that was the original intention of Rare and then they swaped the 2nd and 5th letters and it ended up like we see now. I think it's a nice idea, writing Vodka in every single crate you see...
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