Now that it's out, I have thoughts. They reside herein.
I must see if I can get KM to fix Valve's netcode. There's a lot of blood-but-no-reg going on. Part of this is related to underpowered servers. I'm seeing many systems that are dropping to 30 and 20 client updates per second, and that's really bad. Servers really should cap the player count so their servers won't start dropping ticks. GES is good for small groups, dang it.
No one is playing Team YOLT, which is one of the best formats currently availiable, in my opinion.
I must see if I can get KM to add a quick slot-swap on the Random Weapons system so the weakest weapon goes into Slot 1 every time. Any time a weapon of moderate power gets Slot 1, that's all the round ever sees, which sucks a lot of the fun out of it. Also, 18 noobs spawning with a crate of Hand Grenade really spams things up.
My accuracy has been rather embarassing. I think I lost my edge by cutting up the Dev/Beta noob gallery. Conversely, I could learn to stop sucking.
I must see if I can get KM to drop the on-spawn invulnerability period from two seconds to one in LTK. I'm sick of getting ganked in the ass after shooting someone three times just because they get to kill me before they lose their shield. I don't care what nooblets say, LTK is the last place anyone needs spawn protection.
The spawn-away-from-enemies code KM wrote is insufficient. I'll think of something better.
Source is really a shitty engine for LTK. Really shitty. Damn.
I'm rather impressed by the lack of trolling I've seen so far. I know Insurgency's first-in-a-while release was met with Rick Astley over the microphone, which was a new troll at the time. So far I've only seen a couple spoilsports with inflamitory names.
My ass aches from sitting in this chair for too long, so I'm going to sit on the couch and watch cartoons.