A few things which I hope will improve the play of this map.
To jump directly to the co-ordinates type in the console
sv_cheats 1
co-ordinatesFirst up this crate is bloody annoying because it looks like there is enough room to pass through but there is not.
pos -2746.44 -490.28 64.03

Walking along this wall you stop dead here for some reason?
pos -2099.25 -248 64.03

Most if not all the lights that look like this are too low casuing players to get stuck on them in heat of battle.
pos -1549.69 669.75 64.03

This bucket gets in the way big time, gets knocked about with with explosives or being shot and gets under players feet.
pos -1922 -1.5 64.03 its not exactly at this position when u spawn but is in that area.

This table is far enough from the wall for a player to get behind and cause them to be trapped in fire fight maybe.

I managed to get on this light by jumping on various objects

Player clipping the pipes on this pic might solve the problem?