ge_dam[front zone]
just kidding lol. I would just like the walking to be bit quicker, bit more fast-paced. The power of the guns need to be overhauled, some of the weapons like the p90 I think is way over-powered, if the power of the p90 was the same as the one in CSS that I think that should be fine.
When the Dev asked fans last time for BETA 3, I suggested a Game mode called Capture Goldeneye, its basically a CTF mode, where Goldeneye is the flag or the objective. If you watched the movie, there is a scene were Trevelyan and Boris are at the Control center and put the keys into the computer to launch Goldeneye. The idea for the game mode is 2 teams start off in thier base, so for example in Facility, 1 team can start off in the Bathroom area and the other team can start off in one of the rooms leading to facility_backzone. Im sure this mode can work, theyve done it brilliantly in TF2 and it will work here aswell.