We did have a golden eye source server before, however, it was difficult to get people to download it. We hope that this is a good way to get people's feet wet, and move over to golden eye source completely.
that is one reason for the port, but at the same time, we can possibly add a few things, SSL had a wonderful idea, that I would like to pursue with in the next week. Incorporating Single Player/Co Op in to the game. I see this as being possible. Really, with porting it over to gmod, it unlocks a lot of different things that we can do with it.
weapons still do need a lot of work, placement, clip size, and damage per shot.
Sorry in the video of the cradle the filmer had his bloom on. He was actually spectating me.
And we are still working on the votemap/cycle system, we have a nice vgui with pictures of the maps the user will just click on.
We are also still working on weapons/ammo pick ups and remote/proximity mines