k, I'm back. I'm not sure whether I'll still be around in two months to come. I hope I am, but I am very busy (if you haven't been able to tell). I'll start posting my comments about the update.
Bond definitely looks nicer. I'm not an expert in the topic, and I
still think there's something wrong with him. But you know what? As a "Custom Bond", he's awesome. However, if your goal was to try and look more like Pierce than your previous model (which I don't think you are), then I'd say you haven't done well there. I think he needs to look a little more like Pierce, but meh.
Knife Stab: I don't actually like it that much. It doesn't look aggressive enough. And looks unatural.
Cradle: Alright, here we go. First, I'll say, very well done, I like it. Little pointers: I think the Piano could be improved a little. It sounds a little... boring? Unrealistic? What I'm trying to say, is use the Piano notes, but change the settings or the instrument to a different piano. I'll post my example soon (no, not the one I posted a while ago). I LOVE the "Plane Falling", as while it's not very relevant, it sounds like the plane falling before the credits in the film, which is a very nice touch. The percussion fits in well with the mood, and so do the other instruments. I'm not too sure on the genre, but none the less, it's good. And I love the few effects in there, especially the cymbols at the end. So, very well done, another awesome piece! Now, comparing this one to the other Cradle theme... I like them both for their own reasons. I can't say one is better than the other, as it's like comparing Apples to Oranges.
Just curious, did Basstronix leave or something? I haven't heard any work from him as of late. Also, off topic for a second, Audix, do you know how I could improve my percussion? It's not bad persai, it's just... the Snare Drums I have suck. And I'm not too sure what to do. That snare at 0:26, while artificial, still sounded good. The thing I need though is a real snare drum sound to be honest.
Finally, Runway. It looks nice, yes. Very unique too. However, it also looks a little too... bare. And I'm not sure you can do anything about this, but the canyon looks too blocky. Try to smooth it out/add more "changes"? I'm sure you'll get what I'm trying to say, lol. -Quick Edit:- And also, the textures, while nice and fade in well, also need a little improving. They look a little unrealistic/too repetitive. OH! And the Snow. It's too blocky again. But otherwise, nicely done.
Anyway, very nice, excited for Beta 3.