I fixed the sound!
http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/162636.htmlAlso for the doubters, Dark Sniper from N4G says the following (in third person... o_O)
Dark Sniper has researched this extensively. After looking at this video and comparing it to the original Nintendo 64 version. This game looks to be running on XBOX 360 hardware. From what it looks like, this game is not running off of an emulator of N64. It looks as if RARE stripped the rom and remade the game with subtle differences. The reason for Dark Sniper's belief is simply because if this game ran on an Nintendo 64 emulator, then legal issues would be implemented from Nintendo.
Please notice this picture Dark Sniper has found.
As you will see certain things like the lamp being re-sized and somewhat completely different. The left is the XBOX Live Remake and the Right is the Original.Also, Dark Sniper finds it peculiar that certain things in accomplishing the missions is slightly different, but enough for Dark Sniper to notice.
Look at 1:43 of the video. It's the part of the game where you need to take a picture of the missle. On the original N64 version, you would need to promptly go to the pause menu and switch to the camera to take the picture. On this youtube video, whoever is playing switched from the plastique(another item that can be only equipped in the pause menu) to the camera on the fly. No pausing was needed to make the switch. Dark Sniper believes that this could not be done with a simple hack of the engine through an emulator.Dark Sniper's conclusion: Real