I don't want AuG to be perfect unsighted in keeping with the accuracy penalty that is a surrogate for the still-absent breathing-effect and to keep screen-dots under control*, but just from my personal experience, I'm having a hell of a time sorting out what I see as lag related, hit-reg related, and accuracy-related. Since I can't turn sv_cheats on just for me on any server, field-testing is rather tricky.
* a L4D friend of mine admitted to having a screendot hack (verified, he sent a screenshot with his +showbudget and whined that it wasn't helping him in Goldeneye Source. I lol'd. Then I reminded him that the reason his computer seems to be screwing up recently may have something to do with software running in the background.
Currently under consideration is shotguns. Testing apparently didn't happen (I was on Win/Steam all evening working on Temple Classic and KM asked me if anything had happened and I'm like "lol wut?") so when the noobs get un-nooby and do their damned jobs, we'll see about the shotties. In 007, their power level was 7.999 and 12 bars; currently they are at 10 and 16 with extra-weighted non-head hitboxes. I might pull them back to something like 9 and 14, and reduce the extra weight once the nooby noobs do a test where we can see how the modified Auto Shotgun competes with RC-P90.