Entropy, thank you for your support
I think I did it the way you asked, but in addition to the errors below, I believe I need to change something in the GamePlayManager.py file. The following is the log
************LOG ERROR****************
Attempting to load scenario: LTK
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\sourceges\gesource\python/ges\GamePlayManager.py", line 46, in LoadScenario
scenario = getattr( sys.modules[module], scenario_name )()
KeyError: 'GamePlay.LTK'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\sourceges\gesource\python/ges\GamePlayManager.py", line 50, in LoadScenario
__import__( module, globals(), locals() )
File "c:\sourceges\gesource\python/ges\GamePlay\LTK.py", line 31
self.warmupTimer = GEWarmUp( self )
TabError: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation
Scenario load failed for LTK! Reverting back to DeathMatch.
from .DeathMatch import DeathMatch
from .Utils.GEWarmUp import GEWarmUp
from .Utils import GetPlayers
import GEPlayer, GEUtil, GEMPGameRules as GERules, GEGlobal as Glb
# LTK is just deathmatch with no armor, a high damage multiplier, and popout help.
class LTK( DeathMatch ):
def GetPrintName( self ):
return "#GES_GP_LTK_NAME"
self.warmupTimer = GEWarmUp( self )
def GetScenarioHelp( self, help_obj ):
help_obj.SetDescription( "#GES_GP_LTK_HELP" )
def GetGameDescription( self ):
if GERules.IsTeamplay():
return "Team LTK"
return "LTK"
def OnLoadGamePlay( self ):
super( LTK, self ).OnLoadGamePlay()
self.ltk_SetDamageMultiplier( 1000 )
GERules.SetSpawnInvulnTime( 0, True )
def OnUnloadGamePlay(self):
self.warmupTimer = None
def OnPlayerConnect( self, player ):
player.SetDamageMultiplier( 1000 )
def OnPlayerSpawn( self, player ):
if player.IsInitialSpawn():
GEUtil.PopupMessage( player, "#GES_GP_LTK_NAME", "#GES_GPH_LTK_GOAL" )
def OnRoundBegin( self ):
super( LTK, self ).OnRoundBegin()
def ltk_SetDamageMultiplier( self, amount ):
for player in GetPlayers():
player.SetDamageMultiplier( amount )
import sys
import GEGamePlay, GEUtil
from GEGlobal import PY_BASE_DIR
import GamePlay
from GESFuncs import *
class PYGamePlayManager( GEGamePlay.CGamePlayManager ):
def __init__( self ):
super( PYGamePlayManager, self ).__init__()
import reimport
reimport.reimport( GamePlay )
def LoadScenario( self, scenario_name ):
found_scenario = FindModule( GamePlay, scenario_name )
if not found_scenario:
GEUtil.Warning( "Failed to find scenario %s!\n" % scenario_name )
return None
# Assign the found scenario to ensure we have the right case
scenario_name = found_scenario
module = "GamePlay.%s" % scenario_name
scenario = None
# Try to load immediately, fallback to import if new class
scenario = getattr( sys.modules[module], scenario_name )()
print( "Loading scenario %s from cache" % scenario_name )
except KeyError:
__import__( module, globals(), locals() )
scenario = getattr( sys.modules[module], scenario_name )()
print( "Loading scenario %s from disk" % scenario_name )
except ImportError:
PrintError( "Failed to load scenario %s\n" % scenario_name )
if scenario and not CheckAPI( sys.modules[module], GEGlobal.API_GP_VERSION ):
GEUtil.Warning( "Scenario load FAILED due to API mismatch.\n" )
return None
return scenario
pyGamePlayMangObj = None
def GetManager():
global pyGamePlayMangObj
if not pyGamePlayMangObj:
pyGamePlayMangObj = PYGamePlayManager()
return pyGamePlayMangObj
def PurgeManager():
global pyGamePlayMangObj
pyGamePlayMangObj = None