There. The weapon descriptions are now out there for all new players read. All the weapon descriptions have now been restored by rewriting the broken wiki code. Yesterday I asked about missing weapon images, but I came to realize that the images are still there on the wiki server and not deleted, only the code had become broken. Still, it seems that some weapons never had a picture of them. If someone knows that there is some images that could be used, please let me know or add them yourself to the weapon wiki.
It appears that the damage data for the flag, and the goldeneye key/intelligence is missing. Does anyone know what kind of damage they do? Is it equivalent to regular slappers damage or perhaps hunting knife damage?
I did not change any weapon data or descriptions during the updating process, except for the Sniper rifle. Its description claimed under "Changes from GoldenEye 007" that the sniper rifle does not have an adjustable zoom, which was outdated information. I removed that claim from the description completely.
What was lost in the updating process are hyperlinks to the weapon-related achivements (the achievements are now only listed). It would be a lot of work to create new links to pages that don't even exist, so I didn't do it. I did what I found important.
EDIT: Could you KillerMonkey, or someone else able to edit the wiki pages and having knowledge of the coding, have a look at the "Gameplay scenarios" wiki page? It looks like the page could be very easily and quickly made readable, but I'm not sure. The code in red is the old broken code, right? What if we deleted the red code completely? Wouldn't that fix the page in a minute of work, or does the code have some purpose that I'm not aware of? I find the "Gameplay Scenarios" page to be very important to be out there for everybody to read (consider LALD, for example). I would fix it right away (by deleting the unnecessary red code), if I was sure that's ok to do.
EDIT #2: I'm offering my help to further bring the GES wiki pages into a publishable form. The "Release documentation" page ( is another important page to be fixed. However, there are a couple of things that makes me not the best candidate to do it:
- I'm not completely qualified to say what claims and details have been changed or outdated in the release documentation. I would need someone to point out what is to be changed. The release documentation would be best to be checked by KM himself, I think, but I'm sure he is busy doing other work (but I do think the release information is very important because it teaches people how the mod works! Radar fundamentals, _invulnerability system_...
- I don't understant or know how to do the coding, that is used a lot in the wiki (for example: "ge_armorrespawntime seconds <tt>(10)</tt> tag_b4<br/ >". Wouldn't "ge_armorrespawntime seconds (10)" be enough? I guess <tt> and <tt/> defines the text formatting, but the programming language has been changed, thus breaking the code if I'm not mistaken. Changed from what to what? tag_b4? What the hell is that? I do have some programming background, but mostly just a little beyond basics in Java, Pascal and Basic languages, nothing fancy...
I will do no changes to any wiki pages until I'm sure I know what I'm doing and encouraged to do it. But I so badly would want them to be out there...