Reddit GE:S Playdate
Date: Wednesday, 8/24/2011
Time: 12pm PST/3pm EST/7:00pm GMT. Really all day, anytime you can hop in.
Location: Any server that fits your location. We have servers all around the world, find one that fits your region. If its empty, sit in it for a little while, should fill up. If not hop into a server with people that isn't terrible ping for you.
Reddit might have a server/s up, but I don't know. However we don't have to worry about it as we have over 30 servers we can choose from.
Lets get together and have a little play date. Doesn't that sound fantastic! This is no tournament, this is just us getting together and having some good old fashion GoldenEye action.
Haven't played GE:S in a while?
Who cares! We're all diffrent skill levels. Furthermore since this is a reddit playdate, there will be brand new players who will be playing for the first time ever.
This is a chance for you all to play with us all from the forum, and a chance to kick a Dev or two's asses.
See you all in game!
Thanks to Reddit for adding us to there playdate, and thanks to Claremonster for notifying me of this.