So, with the release of Beta 4, it seems like this would be a good time to probably bring back some of my former architecture skills and put them to good use. I've had several years of experience using the Medal of Honor Radiant program and did several maps that are probably all over the place now, but would like to potentially pick up in Source, but first things first, where to start and what's needed.
I've already decided exactly what I'm going to do up, which is going to be a remake of my favorite map in Medal of Honor, Destroyed Village. It's a very open map that doesn't require a huge amount of detail, practically a sniper's paradise, but still many places to duck and cover in.
So, any idea's?
Edit:Well Apparently this isn't gonna work out very well with me until 1. I get MY computer back and 2. Figure out why I can't select anything in Source SDK under the Orangebox, can select under Halflife 2, but not Orange Box.