I'm glad some of you got a chance to test it today. I apologize for the long download times and the straight up vanilla dedicated server. First time setting up a server and didn't look into modifying settings or getting plugins.
the scale is too big overall
ya I'm still messing around with the size, lights, and texture alignment(keep in mind this map is only 3 days old)
I played the map just now... there's not really much I can say about it really... Aesthetically it's almost identical to the original, but that's because it's the original textures and sounds.
Not sure if you say this as a bad thing or good thing. But seeing as it comes before 'on the plus side', its not looked on as a positive. Which by your definition of the classic levels on the wiki i figured something like this is what you guys might be looking for. "Classic maps try to bring the old maps from GoldenEye 007 to the players with untouched layouts and classic textures"
It would be nice to see the Golden Gun pedestal/case and the drone gun concealing walls in the Golden Gun room, without them it's really empty.
ya i thought of that. But i wanted the map remain true to the original mp version, even if that means keeping some poor decisions by the original developers(well they were removed for performance, and the door into the room for flow). Sure spawns/weapons could be placed more thoughtfully, better flow could be designed, but many people(me included) are attracted to the mod so they can relive that original experience.
Also I'm not sure you should be using ge_egyptian_classic as the map name, people may be under the impression that it's an official map when it isn't.
I was thinking you might want to use this as the official version when its complete. Or at least some sort of base to start with. Save your devs some time recreating it from scratch. Seeing as the wiki says 'There is currently no information about this map, or its production.' i figured this wouldn't conflict with what your working on.