-Editor's Note: This topic was previously posted in the public section of the forum, but i decided to move it here since it applies to developers, and also because I would like to make it my first entry into my "Idea Journal"-
Goldeneye Source: Co-Operative 2 Player Mission Mode?
An idea i thought to ask on, and it probably has been mentioned somewhere in the archives further past than i want to look, is the idea of having cooperative single player in the future. There is a half-life 2 mod, although not well known by everyone, that was made simply to make HL2 2 player maps. Unless its something easy that the programmers already know how to do, i thought you might like to look at their scripts on what way they chose to do this, or maybe research code repositories or something.
link to their site
http://obsidianconflict.netI'd like this to be implemented somehow. I apologize if im showing my noobiness to source outside the official Valve games,
buuuuuut im uber baked right now.