I was in Vero beach at this private beach house (beautiful) for my B-Day on the 14th. The waves where strong. I was walking parallel to the waves so they where crashing at my side. I went to step foward, had all my weight on one leg and a wave came in, buckling my knee. At this point it was only a hyper extension. Today, I walked out of class (keep in mind this is the left side of my left knee). So I walked out of class and went to turn right, I guess placing a lot more weight than i thought on my left knee as a pivot. Next thing i knew was that I hit the ground faster than I could even attempt to brace for the fall. I completely just crashed. Ran 5 lights (yes, i counted) and went 95MPH+ down a 45 and 50 MPH roads. Yup, im crazy.