GoldenEye: Source Forums

Editing and Customization => Community Content => Topic started by: John Doom on August 09, 2018, 05:00:52 pm

Title: New mode
Post by: John Doom on August 09, 2018, 05:00:52 pm
Check the attachment for the current build :)

:) Hello, there, I'm new to this forum!

I programmed a new mode and I was wondering if you're interested in adding it to Goldeneye Source. The idea was to recreate a typical 007 mission:
-one player is randomly selected to be an MI6 agent, the others are put in the Janus Team;
-the MI6 agent has to collect 5 tokens on a time limit to win, the others have to kill him;
-the MI6 agent starts with a silenced gun and the armor, the others start with a rifle;
-the MI6 agent can't respawn, but the others deal much less damage, depending on their number.
I didn't choose its name yet. Maybe "00 Agent"? Here's a preview from the MI6 side:

That said, I could only test it using bots, so it may need additional work to find the right balance. There are also a few things I'd like you to implement or teach me how to implement:
-how to disable team selection so I can force a player to a specific team? Right now I implemented a custom solution which works, but it's not ideal;
-how to get if a player hit (not killed) another one? I need it to register who hit the MI6 agent and survived when he died, so I can reward him with one more point;
-how to force the radar off? I tried using SetForceRadar(False), but it doesn't seem to make any difference;
-how to prevent equipping (not picking up) a token? It's not only useless, but it uses a glitchy hand texture;
-how to prevent picking up specific characters? I used "SetExcludedCharacters("boris,female_scientist,jaws,mayday,mishkin,oddjob,ourumov,baron_samedi,valentin")", but some of them, like samedi, still show up;
-how to destroy tokens, rather than picking them up? This one's not actually necessary, but I think it would be a nice addition :D
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: Shemp Howard on August 10, 2018, 12:16:52 am
this looks cool as hell. We'd gladly help test it!
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: GroundhogMoka on August 10, 2018, 12:48:04 am
Looks cool. Will have to test this at some point.
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: Entropy-Soldier on August 10, 2018, 01:28:36 am
Neat mode!  These days we're trying to keep the official modes rather straightforward and simple, so a fancy mode like this doesn't quite fit in our schema.  However, I'm sure there are a large number of community server owners who would love a mode like this, so releasing it as community content when it's done would no doubt get it lots of attention.

Also, if you've got any interest in level design it feels like this mode would really benefit from some custom maps geared around it.  Would perhaps need to be a bit grander in scale but would certainly enhance that single player experience you're going for.

Anyway, as for your questions:

-how to disable team selection so I can force a player to a specific team? Right now I implemented a custom solution which works, but it's not ideal;

Hate to say it but this just isn't supported yet, I'll add it to 5.1's todo list.

-how to get if a player hit (not killed) another one? I need it to register who hit the MI6 agent and survived when he died, so I can reward him with one more point;

Code: [Select]
    def CalculateCustomDamage( self, victim, info, health, armour ):
        if victim == None:
            return health, armour
        killer = GEPlayer.ToMPPlayer( info.GetAttacker() )

        # Do stuff with killer/victim here.
        # Be sure to return health, armour or modified values for them as this callback overrides the damage dealt
        # by every damage event.

-how to force the radar off? I tried using SetForceRadar(False), but it doesn't seem to make any difference;

        Right now this is just done via the gameplay's config file, which is a file in the cfg directory called [name of gameplay].cfg

        Copy ltk's or put "ge_allowradar 0" inside this file.

-how to prevent equipping (not picking up) a token? It's not only useless, but it uses a glitchy hand texture;

It's been a little while but I think if you pass team=Glb.TEAM_OBS as an argument to the token setup function it will register that only observers can pick it up.  Generally though for objectives that aren't meant to be actually held by anyone, Capture Points are used.  Check out modes like Uplink and Die Another Day for examples on how to use capture points in this fashion.  You can spawn capture points on specific dying players, if you want them to "carry" the objective without actually having a token.

-how to prevent picking up specific characters? I used "SetExcludedCharacters("boris,female_scientist,jaws,mayday,mishkin,oddjob,ourumov,baron_samedi,valentin")", but some of them, like samedi, still show up;

This command wasn't originally meant to exclude so many characters, and sadly as a result is limited in how many it can block off.  5.1 will make it more flexible, and probably also include a way to just skip the character selection menu for modes where only one character is allowed for a given player.  For now though you'll probably just have to let people pick their characters and reassign them if necessary.

-how to destroy tokens, rather than picking them up? This one's not actually necessary, but I think it would be a nice addition :D

Code: [Select]
GERules.GetTokenMgr().RemoveTokenEnt( token, False )
and then decreasing the desired count of that token type should do the trick.

Regardless, your mode is looking pretty interesting so far and I'm excited to see where you take it!  Good work so far and let me know if you have any other questions.  Also, feel free to use the community discord server if the response times around here aren't the best.  We've mostly migrated to that platform but keep the forums around for things like announcements and community releases.
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: John Doom on August 10, 2018, 10:43:00 am
:) Thanks for your support, guys. I'm going to put the finishing touches on this mode, then I'll release it.
btw, I was wondering if modes are only needed on the server side, since I found it takes editing some of the original files to add a new mode.
Just one more thing: is there a way to know if a token has been hit? So I can later "destroy" it as you suggested :D

New video:
:) I'm ready to release a test build. It's still W.I.P., so can I make another topic in "Community Releases" and release it or do I have to wait for the final build, before?
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: Entropy-Soldier on August 10, 2018, 06:53:45 pm
If you assign the token to a team other than the one the destroying player is on, you should be able to use this callback to detect touches:
Code: [Select]
def OnEnemyTokenTouched( self, token, player ):

Otherwise I think

Code: [Select]
def CanPlayerHaveItem( self, player, item ):

can block token pickups if you check and see if the name of the item is "weapon_token", delete it, and return false.

Anyway, gamemodes are indeed entirely server side, with the exception of text localization.  Sadly custom gamemodes need to hardcode their strings in one language or use already existing ones in the localization files but outside of this they should be entirely self contained.  Just post the gamemode's .py file and any custom AI files and that should be all you need.

As for posting the WIP version, I went ahead and moved this topic to the "Community Content" section, which is for discussing WIP content, so feel free to just post it here.  "Community Releases" is for the final release of a given piece of content, so be sure to make a new topic there when you feel the first version of the mode is finished.  I'm looking forward to playing this!
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: John Doom on August 10, 2018, 09:29:42 pm
:) Thanks for moving the topic.

I mean actually getting if the token has been shot, not touched. Is it currently possible? Possibly also using some kind of health system, so that it takes more than one shot or an explosion to be destroyed.

I updated my first post with a testing build. Let me know what you think, guys :)
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: Entropy-Soldier on August 11, 2018, 01:43:31 am
Ah, sorry, I misread that.

Sadly at the moment tokens only support touch interactions with players, so there's no real way to tell if they've been shot. 

Regardless, I'll stick the mode on my server and hopefully get a chance to play it tomorrow!
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: John Doom on August 11, 2018, 10:14:52 am
:) Thanks for your support. btw if it's a public server, let me know its name, I might join your game.
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: papel on August 11, 2018, 10:52:50 am
I liked it, Congratulations John Doom and thanks for sharing.
Edit: I already downloaded it ... I'll test it now!
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: papel on August 11, 2018, 01:04:08 pm
John, I just tested and would like to request a change ... just like in uplink mode where it is not possible to start with at least two players, just allow tokens to appear with at least two players on the map. ;D
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: papel on August 11, 2018, 07:11:48 pm
It did not work ... :( I tested it on the server and the only player that enters is the mi6. The players of the red team can not enter.
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: John Doom on August 11, 2018, 11:43:48 pm
Thanks for testing, papel. I'm sorry it didn't work, I'll look into.

I updated the attachment. I fixed a few things and hopefully it will work now, but I really can't tell: this is the kind of things I can't test just using bots. I'll have to to look for ways to run multiple instances :\
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: papel on August 12, 2018, 01:48:19 am
Yes, it worked !!! ;D ;D

However, tokens are always appearing in the same location as the map. Could you make them change? You can use uplink mode as an example.
Another important detail is not to show the tokens as long as you have only 1 player.
I'll keep testing.

Thank you!!
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: Shemp Howard on August 12, 2018, 05:38:40 am
this game mode.. omg... its sooo fucking good.... you sir are a god! its a very good refresher for the community indeed! very unique! adding this to my server as well! cheers and very very great job!
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: Entropy-Soldier on August 12, 2018, 06:24:32 am
We played a few rounds tonight and people seemed to have a great time.  I think the mode didn't really behave at all as intended, but pretty much everyone on the server wanted to keep playing it and it got an encore twice so clearly there's something to how it works right now that people really enjoyed.

I think the biggest reason it doesn't play as intended is that even with enemy teams set to not show on the radar people would call out where the 007 was and very quickly the mode would devolve into a giant horde following 007 around.  Enemies still have normal health so 007 can't kill them very quickly, and 007 has 16 times normal health so the giant horde of enemies can't kill him very quickly either.  This makes getting the objective tokens pretty hard as enemies usually come back faster than 007 can kill them and almost always pick up the dropped tokens before he can.

Also the armor provides a -ton- of health to 007 and generally he can just stay alive forever unless the guards actively try and eat up armor spawns.

I think the biggest question after having played it is if you want it to be a stealth-based sneaking mode, or a juggernaut mode.  The current health values make it into more of a juggernaut mode where 007 is nearly invincible and can take on a lot of enemies at once, but the current objective setup makes it pointless for him to do so as his chance of picking up the token from slain enemies is very low when their friends are around to instantly pick them back up.  Conversely, for a sneaking mode everyone just has way too much health and allowing players to carry around the objectives means the optimal strategy is for Janus to just ball up into one giant group so 007 can't get a chance to pick up the tokens and they can all fight him at once.

I'd say for a juggernaut style mode, just give points to bond for kills and points to Janus for doing damage to him.  Also do the damage scaling in CalculateCustomDamage instead of using the SetDamageMultiplier() function as that function also scales the damage caps meaning 15 players shooting at bond isn't much better than 3-4.  Also turn off armor so bond can't just keep picking it up for infinite life.

For the sneaking mode, I'd say just turn the objectives into capture points that Janus has to spread out and defend.  Maybe even have multiple objective types such as one player being a VIP that bond needs to kill instead of just having X capture points he needs to capture.  Maybe use the StagnateArmorSpawns function and stop Janus from picking it up to turn armor into a single-use resource for bond like it was in GE64 singleplayer.  The biggest thing though would be to only give bond at most 3 times the normal health, and give the guards perhaps 1/4th the normal health.  This would make guards much more threatening to bond in groups while making it much easier for him to take out key guards and stop them from massing into one giant army.  Give both bond and the guards a 4x damage multiplier, to bring all the damage caps above the max health, and then scale the guard's damage manually in CalculateCustomDamage so they do 12 times less damage (3x4 to give bond effectively 3 times the health.  Would probably need to be scaled based on playercount but that's the general math behind this damage scaling method).

Anyway, it was a blast to play so I'm sure with some refinement it will be quite popular!  I'll try to let you know the next time we play and on what server so you can get a chance to join us.  Thanks for making this fun mode!
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: John Doom on August 12, 2018, 09:34:20 am
Thanks, guys :)

papel, I'll see if I can add some kind of warming up so the game doesn't start until there are enough players.

Thanks for your detailed reply, Entropy-Soldier.
I definitely don't want the agent to be invincible (unless he's Boris :D).
I think stealth is a useful strategy, but I doubt it would work against 15 players all around the map. :D I wonder if there's a way to actually prevent players to give away the agent's position. I also think armors are necessary, so that if someone makes a mistake, has still a slim chance to retry without dying and getting frustrated.
So I'll definitely use "CalculateCustomDamage" as you suggested and, for now, I'll just double Janus team's damage, so that the agent is less likely to pick up another armor on time.
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: papel on August 12, 2018, 12:18:39 pm
John, this latest update does not allow anyone to be MI6. All players are being forced into the janus team.
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: John Doom on August 12, 2018, 01:24:19 pm
:D Actually I haven't updated the attachment yet. It probably happens in a specific situation, could you describe what happened? If it happens again, I'd suggest rematching, changing map or recreating the server. Meanwhile I'll work on fixing this issue as the first priority.
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: papel on August 12, 2018, 07:05:22 pm
The date of the file is 08/12/2018. I thought you updated. It was working until when I downloaded the version of that date.
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: John Doom on August 12, 2018, 09:09:14 pm
You're correct, it was last updated in 12/08/2018 at 2:20 UTC+01:00 (time to go to sleep :D), but this means it should be the same script you tested (,8900.msg87011.html#msg87011).
I'm sorry it didn't work last time, I'll do my best to fix this issue.
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: papel on August 13, 2018, 02:09:02 am
Thank you my friend. I'll wait for the changes.
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: John Doom on August 18, 2018, 02:35:37 pm
:) Download in the first post updated.
I worked on the bug, but I can't test if it has been fixed, since I don't know what happened and what caused it. Hopefully it's been fixed for good.
I also did some tweaking to the gameplay: I disabled autoswitching (it was useless), let everyone start with armor and doubled damage multiplier (so it doesn't take too long to kill an opponent).
btw, Entropy-Soldier, I was going to use "CalculateCustomDamage" instead of "SetDamageMultiplier", as you suggested, but I don't know how to use it properly to adjust damage :D. Could you give me an example?
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: Entropy-Soldier on August 18, 2018, 07:01:05 pm
Code: [Select]
    def CalculateCustomDamage( self, victim, info, health, armor ):
        killer = GEPlayer.ToMPPlayer(info.GetAttacker())
        killerid = GEEntity.GetUniqueId(GEPlayer.ToMPPlayer(info.GetAttacker()))
        target = GEEntity.GetUniqueId(victim)
        damage = health + armor
        damageMultiplier = 2
        damage = damage * damageMultiplier

        armor = damage # Can go way over the actual amount of armor the victim has but that's fine
        health = max(damage - victim.GetArmor(), 0) # Make sure we don't add health if the victim's armor is enough to absorb the attack

        # Return the adjusted damage values to the victim's health and armor gauges.
        return health, armor

This should more or less be what you need, it's a little unintuitive to use for raw damage scaling since you control the health and armor damages separately instead of just modifying damage, but once you have the basic structure it's not too hard to make adjustments.  I might make a utility function for 5.1 to make this a bit easier in the future, but for now you should be able to just modify this code however you need.

Regardless, I'm looking forward to trying out the new version of your mode tonight!  We'll start playing in around 5-6 or so hours between 8:00 PM or 9:00 PM EST on Entropy-Server, so if you get a chance to stop by let me know and we'll play a few rounds together.  Hope to see you there!
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: Entropy-Soldier on August 19, 2018, 04:23:24 am
Well, we played 3 matches again tonight and while people had a lot of fun with it a lot of the same issues I mentioned previously were still present, though now even the best players couldn't win as 007 most of the time.  Being able to carry the objectives around as Janus means the optimal strategy is pretty much always to just form into the giant death swarm and the MI6 player usually has no real way of dealing with that.

I would say making the objectives stationary, and just not letting bond capture them with guards around, is probably the easiest fix for this.  Guards will have to spread out to cover all the objectives and bond can then carefully strike at the weakest ones, to which the guards will have to shift their forces around to compensate.  It also probably wouldn't hurt to give bond some sort of bonus damage or something for capturing the objectives so that the guards can't just give up 4/5 of them in order to form the giant death ball on the last one.

Regardless, I still had lots of fun with the mode.  Thanks for all your work on it so far!
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: John Doom on August 19, 2018, 01:55:54 pm
:) Thanks for the help. Sorry I couldn't play with you.
I think you're right, I'm going to disable picking up tokens. I also think there are balance problems with respawns, so I'm going to disable them for team janus too, so the agent won't be constantly chased by the giant death ball :D (I didn't want to before, because I thought it would've been too punishing for the janus' players, but now that all players can pick up armors, I think it could be fair).
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: Entropy-Soldier on August 19, 2018, 07:19:47 pm
Hmmmm, honestly I think elimination isn't the way to go here.  It's really easy to die on Janus even with full health, so with elimination the MI6 player just needs to armor camp until he kills enough people that there aren't enough left to stop him.

If you don't let Janus pick up armor, have the objectives spread out as you're doing, and don't let armor respawn, that should solve the giant ball of death problem and the armor camping issues as well.  Give some sort of bonus to MI6 for capturing objectives, like bonus damage scaling up to double damage at 4 tokens, so that Janus is forced to spread out to defend them.

I mean there's always going to be different ways to approach a problem and you can probably balance the mode around elimination but generally it should be avoided if at all possible.  People really dislike getting eliminated in ways they see as unfair, and I think part of the appeal of playing on Janus is to try and swarm bond with no fear of consequences if you die.

If you still want to give elimination a shot I have no problem giving it another test run on my server, just wanted to give you my thoughts before you went through the trouble of setting it up.  Looking forward to playing this again next Saturday regardless!
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: Captain George on August 20, 2018, 01:38:38 pm
Looks like a solid mode, and can't wait to play it. How do I get access to this? I do really like capture the key, and I feel this is somewhat similar to it, which is a good thing.
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: WNxSpectra on August 22, 2018, 12:11:31 am
Played this mode a few times and I really like it. Good job :)
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: John Doom on August 22, 2018, 02:12:21 pm
:) Thanks, guys.
I updated the download in the first post, mainly with damage bonuses for each target recovered and new sound effects, I kept Team Janus' respawns intact.

:D Question time:
-"player/playerdeath.wav"'s volume seems too low to me, is it possible to play it louder?
-is it possible to play "alarms/ge_alarm01.wav" without making it loop? I'd like to use it for Team Janus whenever the agent picks up a target.
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: Entropy-Soldier on August 22, 2018, 06:01:46 pm
To make a sound louder, it's sometimes possible to play it in multiple sound channels at the same time...this isn't really the ideal way to do it but it's a quick and dirty one that sometimes is enough.  Sometimes it's better to just increase the raw volume in the audio editing program of your choice.

As for the looping alarm, you can either make a custom version of the sound that doesn't loop or stop it after a certain amount of time with:

StopSound( None, [SOUNDNAME] )

I hope this helps!
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: papel on August 23, 2018, 05:10:24 pm
:D Actually I haven't updated the attachment yet. It probably happens in a specific situation, could you describe what happened? If it happens again, I'd suggest rematching, changing map or recreating the server. Meanwhile I'll work on fixing this issue as the first priority.

I found the problem ....
The ooagent.cfg file is set to ge_teamautobalance false, while the correct one would be ge_teamautobalance 0. After the fix, everything is fine now.

Thank you John!
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: John Doom on August 26, 2018, 12:21:03 pm
As for the looping alarm, you can either make a custom version of the sound that doesn't loop or stop it after a certain amount of time with:
StopSound( None, [SOUNDNAME] )
I just tried, but it's hopeless, it doesn't stop playing anyway! I'm exasperated! :D
Code: [Select]
    def AlarmSet(self, newOn):
        if newOn:
            self.alarmT = 3.0

            if self.alarmOn==False:
                for playerI in GetPlayers():
                    GEUtil.PlaySoundTo(playerI, self.TOKEN_ALARM_SOUND)
            for playerI in GetPlayers():
                GEUtil.StopSound(playerI, self.TOKEN_ALARM_SOUND)
                print("GEUtil.StopSound("+playerI.GetCleanPlayerName()+", self.TOKEN_ALARM_SOUND)")

        self.alarmOn = newOn
See the attachment for more.
UPDATE: I also just tried using "None" to target all players: same result :(

I found the problem ....
The ooagent.cfg file is set to ge_teamautobalance false, while the correct one would be ge_teamautobalance 0. After the fix, everything is fine now.

Thank you John!
I'll include your fix, though I'm a bit confused, since says it should be bool (true/false).
:) Thank you for playing.
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: Entropy-Soldier on August 27, 2018, 03:45:35 am
That's quite odd honestly, targeting all players individually or using "None" should stop/start the sound for all players.  I'll have to check it out myself sometime soon and make sure it's working properly.  I'm not actually sure if StopSound is used anywhere else so there is the possibility it has issues.

As for console variables you do indeed input boolean values as 1 or 0.  I've updated the wiki page to reflect this, as it was somewhat unclear before.  Sorry for the misunderstanding!
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: John Doom on August 29, 2018, 02:35:07 pm
:) Download updated!
I did some fixing, temporarily disabled the alarm (since it doesn't work properly yet), changed the token to a suitcase, changed a few sounds and added an easter egg: if you play as Bond, you'll see on the screen "JOHN DOOM presents/<your nickname>/as IAN FLEMING'S JAMES BOND 007 in/GOLDENEYE SOURCE" (:D kind of like here:

:D Question time:
-is it possible to replace by code the background music for team MI6? I'd like to use something more bondian;
-is there an event to get when a player is using a weapon? I know there's one for tokens, but it's not enough, I'd like to know if the player is shooting at a token. Another option would be to get if a token is being shot, but there are no events for this either.
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: Entropy-Soldier on August 29, 2018, 04:21:44 pm
Sadly neither is possible at the moment, at least not without a custom map.

Your new intro text is pretty cool, though!
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: John Doom on August 31, 2018, 06:00:31 pm
:D Attachment updated! I put back the alarm sound (though I'm using the other not bugged file) and made sure targets only spawn after there are at least two players, as suggested by papel.

September is near and I don't think I'll be able to keep working on this mode for too long (I've still a video game to develop :D ). This mode is complete, anyway, I'm satisfied with the result. It may still need a bit of testing, though, checking for bugs and balancing the experience. What do you suggest me to do now, Entropy-Soldier?

Sadly neither is possible at the moment, at least not without a custom map.

Your new intro text is pretty cool, though!
No problem, it's just too bad I can't achieve everything I planned, but it's ok.
Thanks for the compliment :)
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: Entropy-Soldier on September 01, 2018, 06:18:21 pm
Well, once you feel the mode is in its final state, at least for this version, make a thread and release it here:,98.0.html

We'll test it one final time at 8:30 PM EST tonight and I'll let you know how it goes!
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: John Doom on September 01, 2018, 10:34:04 pm
:) Thank you! Though that means 1:30 am in my country, I'll be there this time :D
EDIT: :-[ nope, I got it wrong, it's 3:30. Unfortunately I won't be able to attend, sorry. Hope you'll enjoy it, though :)
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: Entropy-Soldier on September 02, 2018, 08:09:59 am
Well, we gave it a shot tonight for a couple of matches and it seems the recent changes made it pretty much impossible to win as Janus.

I was actually wrong about using CalculateCustomDamage to scale the max damage you can do, sadly.  It does fix the hitsounds but due to the order things are processed in it actually doesn't change the max amount of damage a given player can take at one time...there are ways around this but they're all pretty elaborate.  I'll look into adjusting things for 5.1.

With the scattered objectives the agent's very high max health is probably not needed anymore anyway.  It's probably best to just let him start with a 2x damage bonus versus Janus that scales up to 4x once he has 4 tokens, and then only give him 4x the health at 16 players instead of 16x.  This forces him to sneak around and attack weak points in the defenses instead of just running past the entire enemy team to get the objectives.

Removing armor spawns would also help quite a bit with discouraging the agent player from taking on the entire enemy team at once, as like in the original GE64 any damage taken would stack up.

It's a shame that you don't have more time to work on this mode, as it's certainly an ambitious one that no doubt needs a lot of live playtests and tweaking to get right.  However I think implementing all of those changes I just listed would at least give each team a fair chance of winning.

Regardless of what you decide to do, good luck with your other game!  I hope it works out for you.
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: John Doom on September 02, 2018, 11:56:04 am
:) Thanks! I updated the attachment with the latest fixes, basically everything you suggested except for disabling spawning armors (:D I think everyone should be given another chance, otherwise it may be too frustrating for everyone).
Though I'll have much less time to work on this mode now, I decided I'm not putting it away until you guys feel it's done :)
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: John Doom on September 08, 2018, 09:36:06 am
:) So, did anyone test the latest update? Do you feel it still needs some tweaking or is it ready to be released?
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: Entropy-Soldier on September 08, 2018, 07:28:56 pm
I'll be testing it tonight on Entropy-Server at 8:30 PM EST!  I'll let you know how it goes.
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: Captain George on September 08, 2018, 07:54:01 pm
I will be testing this mode tonight, and I will have a brief report for you when testing is complete.
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: Entropy-Soldier on September 09, 2018, 05:44:40 pm
Well, we played it again last night and it seems it's much too easy to win as Janus now.  Guards start with armor making the 2x damage boost basically a 1x damage boost against most opponents which means they just take too long to kill as MI6.  I didn't account for this when I recommended the numbers, but now that I've seen them in action I'd say change it from a 2x - 4x damage boost to a 4x-8x damage boost.

Also it might be a good idea to change the token spawns to use the standard token spawns instead of the weapon/ammo spawns.  They often end up replacing the high level weapons making half of the top level weapon spawns in the map unusuable.

Outside of that, if you haven't yet gotten a chance to play this with real players we should set up a testing session just for you.  Bots behave much differently than normal players and being able to see how real people handle being on the guard team will no doubt be very useful to you.  This is a very difficult gamemode to get right so seeing it in action is very important.
Title: Re: New mode
Post by: John Doom on September 10, 2018, 09:23:24 am
:) Thanks for your support, guys.

I'll do as you suggested, Entropy-Soldier.
btw, I had problems with tokens spawning always in the same places, that's why I went for the weapon/ammo spawns, but I understand the problem.

Playing with real players would be useful, thank you. :D Since I live in a different time zone, unfortuntely I didn't have a chance to join your tests yet. Next time I update this mode, I'd be glad to have a chance to test it with you guys :)