GoldenEye: Source Forums
Debriefing => Bug Reports & Fixes => Topic started by: pcman312 on August 13, 2016, 04:39:27 am
When I start up the game, I can't read any of the options or server listings because the text isn't visible. It's as if the font is the same color as the background. Here's a screenshot (Warning: 4k resolution).
Did you change your resolution, and not restart the game? If you change graphics settings, best to restart game after cause can cause some GUI issue.
But also could just be a old engine not designed to run at high resolution.
I am having the same exact issue
This might be a Source Issue.
Have you tried any other Source 2007 Mod/Game on your 4k resolution yet?
Since the GUI scales with increased resolution, reducing the resolution should give you at least readable text.
Possibly considder this as a temporary solution to be able to play.
I guess noone of our Dev/BT Team has a 4k Monitor yet.
Try exiting the game and launching it again after changing resolution.
We admittedly did nothing to explicitly support 4k resolutions. If you find a way for it to work let us know so we can document it for others.
I'm having the exact same issue, Windows 10 64 Pro, 4k, GTX 1080, latest drivers. Thanks.
You will likely have to run the mod in a sub-4K resolution or even in windowed mode. Pretty sure valve did not think of 4K displays when the SDK 2007 was released.
Do you have any text scaling enabled in Windows?
Unfortunately I can't even change the resolution to test it because of the blank menus. I do not have any text scaling, it's all set to 100%/standard. Thanks.
You can change the resolution manually by right clicking GE:S on Steam - Properties - Launch options and add these "-h number -w number" replace number with height and width.
I am having the same issue. The game and menus will pull up just fine in 1440 mode. What I did was disable my 4k display, run it on my 1080 monitor, then go back and enable the 4k display and put the game on there, where it still launched in 1080 mode. Then I was able to fiddle with the resolution settings in the options menu and get it up to 1440 without issues.
So, that works for now. I'm kindof used to running games in 1440 anyway just cuz I'm still on 2x 660ti cards, so whatever.
Still, 4K games do look awesome and I'v been paying Day of Infamy in full 4K without problems so it might just be a config setting to get the menus up.
Hmm any suggestions for people with only 4k monitors? I tried the whole -h 1080 -w 1920 in the set launch options but still didn't seem to work
There's an issue with the launch options on Source 2007 since a few days.
Looks like none of them work anymore.
Not sure if Valve will fix this anytime soon.
Is there a config file anywhere we can set the resolution? or default?
You can do it directly in the registry:
change the following keys:
Thanks, tried that in both the gesource keys (had to create them) and the hl2 folder.
Have confirmed HL2 works fine, just gesource having this issue.
HL2 is on a newer Source engine version these days and Valve also does small updates to it, so it might not be the best candidate for comparision.
The workaround I found is what others have described: have it run at a different resolution. 4k completely screws up the text, but any other resolution is at least readable. This is what I did (instead of the command line options others have mentioned):
- Start game
- Click "Options"
- Select 4th from the left (3rd from the right) tab - this is the video options tab
- Click on the top left drop down (this is the resolution option)
- Select any resolution other than the bottom one (the bottom one being 4k)
- Click rightmost button in the very bottom of the options window (Ok/Cancel/Apply)
- Wait for resolution to adjust. The text will likely look scaled wrong at this point.
- Select resolution from drop down of your choice
- Restart game
You can insert a "restart game" step in between steps 7 and 8 to make it easier to read, but is not strictly necessary.
This has worked for me. I've been using 1080 as the 1440 option scales the text in a way that makes it difficult to read (though not impossible like 4k).
Come to think of it, this might be solvable with a tweak to the UI resources (.res) files in gesource/resource
Towards the bottom of the files they define various font sizes for different resolutions. I'll look into this and post tweaked files to this thread for you 4K's to test out.
Come to think of it, this might be solvable with a tweak to the UI resources (.res) files in gesource/resource
Towards the bottom of the files they define various font sizes for different resolutions. I'll look into this and post tweaked files to this thread for you 4K's to test out.
Is the code still open source? I'd love to take a look and help out if I can. I went to but that repo hasn't been updated in over a year.
This isn't in the code it's in the .res files in the resources directory of the mod. You already have them and can tinker at will.
I found a workaround in the .res files for the options window and the server list, though there are still a few things that are scaled poorly: the "hints" that show up in game (in the top left when you join and when you die) are not sized well (either too big or too small), and the crosshairs when aiming are huge.