GoldenEye: Source Forums
Global Communications => Development Media => Topic started by: Mark [lodle] on July 26, 2007, 07:46:24 pm
Well here i am again at 3 am in the morning and what a week it has been.
I have been real busy as of late and i start uni again next week so im kinda not looking forward to that (i was enjoying waking up at 3 pm most days) but life must go on and i must learn new things about software engineering.
In the last couple of hours i have been mucking around with some mods for smf. As you might of seen the new name colors (makes it look like its from the 60's on the main page) which i think look cool but might be toned down if deemed to bright. Also theres now a blog button up the top (yes its there :D) which shows just the first post of each blog in a blog type layout. (how many times can i say blog.)
There is another mod that changes the user cp which i added but some admins dont like it so it might not stay. For a look Click me ( Please post what you think about it.
In real life news, pulling engines out of cars is hard! I attempted this on Tuesday with 2 mates and it tooks us 14 hours. Now it was also raining at the time as we had a thunder storm the day before and it was 3 am before we were done. Im not looking forward to putting back in.
I havnt really had time to work on the mod this week (due to engine and me sleeping in) but i will do some work maybe next Monday and ill blog how that goes.
I would agree that the name colors need to be toned down. I think the user cp icons look cool, but they need to be like 1/2 or 1/3 the size. Also, at 1280x1024 the collection of all the icons isn't centered.
It looks very colorful ;D
UserCP looks alright, maybe make the icons more "Goldeneye"
The new User CP looks cool, I like the police helmet. :P
At the moment devs are working on more important things (i.e. the mod). But feel free to make your own and submit it and ill put a special mention in the credits for ya if accepted.
Amazing. A little bit gay, but I really like it. ::)