GoldenEye: Source Forums

Debriefing => Bug Reports & Fixes => Topic started by: Troy on August 07, 2012, 09:05:19 pm

Title: [Bug] Invisible weapon
Post by: Troy on August 07, 2012, 09:05:19 pm
A few times when I've spawned after a round restart, my level 1 weapons was invisible.  When I shot it, the bullets still fired like it was there.  This lasts until I respawn.
Title: Re: [Bug] Invisible weapon
Post by: killermonkey on August 07, 2012, 09:21:18 pm
Is this with v4.2.1?
Title: Re: [Bug] Invisible weapon
Post by: Troy on August 07, 2012, 10:15:51 pm
Title: Re: [Bug] Invisible weapon
Post by: killermonkey on August 07, 2012, 11:32:54 pm
And 4.2? This is very important information...
Title: Re: [Bug] Invisible weapon
Post by: Troy on August 07, 2012, 11:55:20 pm
I'd like to also say that the game mode was AUF.  But how it gives weapons is no different than gun game or arsenal.  I haven't tested it with 4.2.

Code: [Select]
    def GivePlayerWeapons( self, player ):
        if not player or player.IsDead():

        startArmed = int( GEUtil.GetCVarValue( "ge_startarmed" ) )

        if startArmed == 0:
            player.GiveNamedWeapon( "weapon_slappers", 0 )
            player.GiveNamedWeapon( "weapon_slappers", 0 )
            player.GiveNamedWeapon( "weapon_knife", 0 )

        if player.GetTeamNumber() == GEGlobal.TEAM_MI6:
            weap = mi6WeaponList[self.MI6Level]
            player.GiveNamedWeapon( weap[0], weap[2] )
            player.WeaponSwitch( weap[0] )
        elif player.GetTeamNumber() == GEGlobal.TEAM_JANUS:
            weap = janusWeaponList[self.JanusLevel]
            player.GiveNamedWeapon( weap[0], weap[2] )
            player.WeaponSwitch( weap[0] )
Title: Re: [Bug] Invisible weapon
Post by: Emilia on August 08, 2012, 12:46:23 am
This is definitely in 4.2. Gungame, round changes. Very odd.
Title: Re: [Bug] Invisible weapon
Post by: killermonkey on August 08, 2012, 01:29:12 am
This bug was present a while back with the knife, I believe it was Beta 3.1 or 4.... most interesting....